Canopy-level hyperspectral and thermal images were taken repeatedly within a controlled environment, from 49 inoculated (MR treatment) and 26 uninoculated (control treatment) pōhutukawa plants. Measurements were taken prior to inoculation and six times post-inoculation over a 14-day period...
11.3). In the summer bright orange pustules form on the leaves of ribes plants, primarily on the underside. Later in the summer and in the early fall, long curled hairs form on the bottom of the leaves. Sign in to download full-size image Fig. 11.1. White pine blister rust canker on...
H. 1957. Influence of light on the effect of 3-p-(Chlorophenyl)-l, 1-dimethylurea on plants. Weeds5:29–33. Google Scholar Minz, G. 1944. An experiment in combatting rust by sulphur dusting. Hassadeh24:183–185. CAS Google Scholar —. 1946. Yellow berry and stem rust of wheat....
pachyrhizi at 12 and 24 hpi, or mock treatment. Three biological replicates were used for each inoculation. Each biological replicate consisted of a pool of eight plants. Red indicates upregulation, and blue indicates downregulation. was suppressed 12 hours after inoculation with ASR (Fig. ...
baicalense plants had 95–96% of sequence similarity with P. triticina (Zhao et al. 2021). However, inoculation experiment of aeciospores on susceptible wheat cultivars were not conducted to justify the potential infection by Pt urediospores in fields. Sources of Pst teliospores for alternate ...
The spores come off easily, like powder, when touched. Spores are dispersed from the pustules of infected plants to healthy ones by wind and rain splash. Severely infected turf stands become noticeably thin and may die, and they are more susceptible to winterkill. 展开 年份: 2010 ...
rust,in botany, name for various parasitic fungi of the order Uredinales and for thediseases of plantsthat they cause. Rusts form reddish patches of spores on the host plant. About 7,000 species are known. Some grow entirely on one plant; others require two hosts, plants of two species,...
Fungicideapplications at herbicide treatment were applied as a foliar treatment the same day that the herbicides were applied. Seed was planted at 1 million/A on 6 Apr. Row spacing was set at 7-in. with seven rows per plot, planted using a double disk opener with a Hege 500 series drill...
We confirmed markers localized on the chromosome 5H and 7H and identified additional markers on chromosome 1H and 3H. However, symptoms of the SR occurred on the barley plants later than the HA; resistance to this disease is among the most serious problems preventing barley grain yield [73,74...
We calculated the log response ratio, ln(Ri), from each treatment-specific entry i from each study as follows: ln(Ri) = ln yti yci , where yti is the mean value from the treated plants, and yci is the mean value from the control plants. All entries in the meta-analysis were ...