If you haven't already read the "The Rust on ESP Book", I highly recommend doing so first. While this book will cover some aspects of setting up the development environment and basic concepts, it will not go into as much detail to avoid unnecessary repetition, as these topics are already...
The Embedded Rust Book - An introductory book about using the Rust Programming Language on "Bare Metal" embedded systems, such as Microcontrollers. The Rust on ESP Book - This book aims to provide a comprehensive guide on using the Rust programming language with Espressif SoCs and modules. ...
在 Kubernetes 生态系统中,许多项目试图实现规模为零。当使用 Spin 构建 WebAssembly 项目时,可以将其构建为默认缩放到零,Fermyon 平台时从一开始就添加了Scale-to-zero这个能力[123],这意味着不仅可以节省成本,还可以改善开发人员的体验,以及一个长期更易于操作的平台。 Wasmtime 发布 1.0 稳定版 Wasmtime[124]是...
2021 年,乐鑫公司宣布雇佣 mabez 来全职从事 Rust 对 ESP32 的支持,对应GitHub 开源组织是 esp-rs[73]。这意味着,Rust 将全面进入 esp32 领域。 截止年底,mabez 完成的工作可以在其博客看到,总的来说目前进度为: esp-rs book[74] probe-rs 对 esp32c3 的支持现在比较完善了 espflash 达到了 1.0 引入es...
esp-rs book[74] probe-rs 对 esp32c3 的支持现在比较完善了 espflash 达到了 1.0 引入esp32-hal[75] 其他,还有很多 更多更新可以参见Rust on Espressif chips - 10-01-2022[76]。不得不说,乐鑫是一家很有远见的公司。 趋势 ARM 是迄今为止在物联网边缘使用的芯片组和传感器等嵌入式设备的领先制造商,今...
esp-rs - home to a number of community projects enabling the use of the Rust programming language on various SoCs and modules produced by Espressif Systems. Firmware oreboot/oreboot - oreboot is a fork of coreboot, with C removed, written in Rust nRF nrf-rs/nrf-hal - A Rust HAL ...
fn main() { struct Book { title: String, isbn: Option<String>, } let book = Book { title: "Great book".to_string(), isbn: Some(String::from("1-123-456")) }; match book.isbn { Some(i) => println!( "The ISBN of the book: {} is: {}", book.title, i ), None => ...
Performance Book 改进速度与内存使用的技术. Rust Cookbook 已被证明是良好实践的例程集. Rust in Easy English 用入门级的英语讲的 Rust, 适合入门, 也适合英语初学者. Rust for the Polyglot Programmer 经验者的指南. Rustdoc Book 如何自定义 cargo doc 和rustdoc. Rustonomicon (中文) 《Rust 秘典》, 旧...
esp-rs home to a number of community projects enabling the use of the Rust programming language on various SoCs and modules produced by Espressif Systems. Firmware oreboot/oreboot— oreboot is a fork of coreboot, with C removed, written in Rust nRF nrf-rs/nrf-hal— A Rust HAL for ...
截止年底,mabez 完成的工作可以在其博客看到,总的来说目前进度为:esp-rs bookprobe-rs 对 esp32c3...