Quick LinksVIP - Support - Server Rules - Player Report - X - Discord U.S. Servers Main High pop, pure mayhem Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP Low Pop Less people, fewer wipes Monthly wipe cycle Info - VIP Solo Single players only Weekly wipe cycle Info - VIP Long Longer wipes, ...
Commits9,702+ Bug Fixes172+ Improvements251+ Stats Unique Players2,002,400On official servers Peak Players179,871Game wide Peak Players1001On Rustoria Support Tickets Closed55,331+ Player Reports13,881,521+ Banned accounts800k+ Social Discord500K+ Members ...
Welcome to the official Spoonkid Rust Store. To begin shopping, please select a category from the sidebar.SUPPORT Need any questions answered before checkout? Waited more than 15 minutes but your package still has not arrived? Join our Discord and Submit a ticket. Discord Server ...
Discord Welcome to the /r/PlayRust Official ServersWe host official Rust servers for the Reddit community to enjoyLeaderboards FAQ & Rules Support VIP There are currently 3,776 players online, and 168 queued to play. Join in on the fun!
However, when you join this official Discord server, you are expected to treat fellow players and the broader community with respect. While the game requires players to murder each other for survival, the Discord server is a friendly community of like-minded gamers. ...
STORE DONATE SERVERS DISCORD REPORT WELCOME Blue Collar Rust is geared toward those who want to play Rust at a more casual pace without having to worry about losing everything when logging off for the night or if they take a day or two off from the game. We strive to keep our servers ...
Rust Community Discord Rust Programming Language Zulipfor official working groups etc. And here are channels for other, large projects: Tokio (Discord) Actix (Gitter) Further reading material to study the language: The Rust Programming Language- Online ...
To give direct feedback in-game, press F7 and fill out the form, additionally, you canjoin our Discordand discuss the changes in the channel "staging-aux2" Mappers An unfortunate side effect of this revamp is that new assets will be added, and old assets will be removed. This will cau...
I want to say a huge thanks to the Rust Discord Community for their incredible work in helping debug and improve the vendor. thumb_up398 thumb_down35 Quality of Life Changes Ceiling Light Wiring Ceiling lights IO points are now easier to target ...
Join the Rust Staging Branch to experience new content, features, and systems before players on official servers.