关于这次掉宝领取奖励..补:如果是第一次参加掉宝活动,在第一第二步登录steam和twitch后,还有第三步,返回,再为Steam账号激活Twitch Drops功能,如果能看到4楼那样的页面才算是绑定成功
Do I need Twitch Prime to be eligible? I no longer have access to the Twitch account I linked my Steam account to and want to link a new one. What do I do? I haven't bought Rust yet but I claimed some drops on Twitch. Will I still be able to get the drops in my Steam accou...
Twitch dro..时间:11.13-11.20获取皮肤:条件:观看一小时获取眼镜(略微防紫外线,视野亮度下降) 观看下一个两小时获取内衣(跟夏日DLC里面的粉丝比基尼一样好看
This process is essential as it allows the Twitch platform to communicate with your Steam account, ensuring that any drops you earn while watching the streams are properly credited to your Rust game inventory. It's a straightforward process, but make sure you're logged into the correct Twitch ...
Pair your Steam Account with your Twitch Account to enable Twitch Drops. Step 1 Sign in with one of your accounts You’ll need an account on both Steam and Twitch to claim drops. If one of your accounts is already linked to a different account, you can unlink it by signing into that...
Via Twitch drops in Rust, you can get some pretty basic skins, like Pookie Pants and Pookie Hoodie. These items are part of the generic drops: receive them by watching any eligible streams for a specific amount of time. Also, the system offers plenty of exclusive items connected to specific...
点击绿色按钮就会跳转到Steam,登录您的Steam账号即可。登录后会跳转回网站,之后执行第三步。如果无法访问Steam网站,可尝试使用JSQ,加速Steam。第三步执行完成前两步后,回到Rust网站,执行第三步:为Steam账号激活Twitch Drops功能。点击最后的绿色按钮,激活Drops即可。激活后会自动刷新页面,当您看到这一...
Twitch Dro..新一轮的Twitch掉宝活动将在北京时间2021年7月6日(周一)凌晨开始至7月13日结束,紧接着开启七月份的第二轮掉宝活动。下个月的更新仍将在7月2日凌晨02时00分发布。
Twitch drops watcher for Rust and other games. Contribute to pyroch/TwitchGrobs development by creating an account on GitHub.
With Rust viewership still sitting pretty, it’s not as if Facepunch was desperate for views with this Twitch Drops campaign. However, by showing their appreciation towards the shrouds and the Pokimanes that have seen its popularity explode, they may be able to keep those big names sticking ar...