link("") .logo_url(logo_url) .style_parse("flatsquare") .build()? .svg(); # Ok::<(), badge_maker::error::Error>(())About Rust badge maker Topics badge maker badges shields badge-generator Resources Readme License MIT...
bobbin-cli A Rust command line tool to simplify embedded development and deployment. ferros A Rust-based userland which also adds compile-time assurances to seL4 development. cargo-flash A small cargo subcommand to download your binary to your target chip. - cargo-embed A superset of cargo-fla...
bobbin-cli A Rust command line tool to simplify embedded development and deployment. ferros A Rust-based userland which also adds compile-time assurances to seL4 development. cargo-flash A small cargo subcommand to download your binary to your target chip. - cargo-embed A superset of cargo-fla...