第一个rtt-target让MCU可以实现RTT输出,第二个panic-rtt-target用来替代panic-halt,也就是在panic的时候,通过rtt-target来输出相关信息,而不是直接停止MCU运行。第三个是Rust的log包,提供了logging相关的trait。 然后,修改main.rs代码如下: #![no_main] #![no_std] use cortex_m_rt::entry; use panic_rtt...
SimpleLogger—— very basic logger that logs to stderr/out, should never fail TermLogger ——advanced terminal logger, that splits to stderr/out and has color support (can be excluded on unsupported platforms) WriteLogger ——logs to a given struct implementing Write. e.g. a file CombinedL...
Rust 下对 HTTP/3 和 QUIC 的支持有 quinn(支持到 draft 32)[16] 和 cloudflare 出品的 quiche[17]。 日志/追踪(logging/tracing) 复杂的网络应用,在追踪问题的时候,合理的 logging/tracing 能帮助我们快速定位问题。在我用过的诸多语言的各种各样的库中,Rust 里的 tracing [18] 库是体验最佳的工具。它可...
你可以使用log4rscrate 来实现这一功能: uselog4rs::append::rolling_file::policy::compound::CompoundPolicy;uselog4rs::append::rolling_file::policy::compound::roll::fixed_window::FixedWindowRoller;uselog4rs::append::rolling_file::policy::compound::trigger::size::SizeTrigger;uselog4rs::append:...
async 异步编程 archive 打包压缩 http 使用http intl 国际化 logging 日志 path 路径处理 shelf web中间件 test 测试 yaml yaml解析器 async 异步编程 collection 集合操作工具类 convert 编码转换 core 内置类型,集合 developer 调试器和分析器 math 数学函数 type_data 高效处理固定大小数据 io IO操作 isolate 并发...
logging:日志级别,可以设置为 debug、info、warn、error等。 运行Granian 在配置文件准备好之后,可以通过以下命令启动Granian服务器: granian -c path/to/config.yaml 将Granian与Python应用结合 使用WSGI WSGI(Web Server Gateway Interface)是Python标准的Web服务器网关接口。Granian支持WSGI接口,因此可以无缝整合现有的WS...
A Rust library providing a lightweight loggingfacade. logdocumentation A logging facade provides a single logging API that abstracts over the actual logging implementation. Libraries can use the logging API provided by this crate, and the consumer of those libraries can choose the logging implementatio...
use std::io::Read;fntest1(){std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_nanos(200));}fntest2(){letmut f=std::fs::File::open("./1.txt").unwrap();letmut buffer=Vec::new();f.read_to_end(&mut buffer).unwrap();}fnmain(){loop{test1();test2();}} ...
Filesystem Finance Functional Programming Game development Geospatial Graph algorithms Graphics GUI Image processing Language specification Logging Macro Markup language Mobile Network programming Parsing Peripherals Platform specific Scripting Simulation Social networks System Task scheduling Template engine Text proces...
// typed request body for logging in - Deserialize is enabled via serde so it can be extracted from JSON responses in axum#[derive(Deserialize)]pub struct LoginDetails {username: String,password: String,} pub fn create_router(state: AppState, folder: PathBuf) -> Router {// create a route...