As I mentioned before, the issue with saying that the initialization value of a static doesn't need to be in that static when the AM takes its first step (wherever we decide to put that) is that it becomes impossible for the AM to distinguish betweenstatic mut FOO: u32 = 0;andstatic...
Tokio typically keeps running tasks and the futures they run on the same executor thread, which is great for cache locality. Tokio is well-documented, actively maintained and getting better all the time. (Tokio console was announced while I was writing this blog).Thus, it is a no brainer ...
I really don't mind some Javascript code if it works correctly and keeps out of my way. That would be trivial. IMHO: Using any library other than wasm-bindgen automatically counts as non-trivial. Doing anything that someone at my company would reasonable expect automated testing for counts as...
Yes, I fear the droughts. Deeply. But I came to fear one thing even more: the continuous doom saying and negative speculating that happens throughout the year, but increasingly in the rainy-season, when this seems to be the only topic on everybody’s minds. And the feeling of helplessnes...