fn stringify(x: u32) -> String { format!("error code: {x}") } fn main(){ let x: Result = Ok(2); assert_eq!(x.map_err(stringify), Ok(2)); let x: Result = Err(13); assert_eq!(x.map_err(stringify), Err("error code: 13".to_string())); } 三、Option<T>与Result<...
if fs::metadata(&search().join("lib").join("libavutil.a")).is_err() { fs::create_dir_all(&output()).expect("failed to create build directory"); fetch().unwrap(); build().unwrap(); } line 656~674:根据配置文件找到链接的库列表,然后通过 rustc-link-lib instructions 指定链接库。
letis_true:bool=true; letletter:char='A'; 函数 Rust 函数通过fn关键字定义,函数的返回类型通过箭头符号->指定。 实例 fnadd(a:i32,b:i32)->i32{ a+b } 如果函数没有返回值,类型默认为()(即空元组)。 控制流 if 表达式 实例 letnumber=7; ...
pub fnwake(self){// The actual wakeup call is delegated through a virtual function call// to the implementation which is defined by the executor.letwake=self.waker.vtable.wake;letdata=self.waker.data;// Don't call `drop` -- the waker will be consumed by `wake`.crate::mem::forget(se...
fn main() { let s = "123"; let i = match s.parse::<i32>() { Ok(i) => i, Err(_e) => -1, }; println!("{:?}", i); let s = "12x3"; let i = match s.parse::<i32>() { Ok(i) => i, Err(_e) => -1, }; println!("{:?}", i); } 输出: 123 -1 ...
let re = Regex::new(r"(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})").unwrap();let date_replaced = re.replace_all("Today's date is 2022-01-01", "$2/$3/$1"); 这个正则表达式匹配日期格式“YYYY-MM-DD”,然后使用捕获组来重新排列日期格式为“MM/DD/YYYY”。
Command::new("./rust-is-terminal").stdout(stdout).stderr(io::stdout()).spawn().unwrap(); } 这次运行,它判断它的stdout不在终端内: 用途 所以这玩意儿有什么用呢?其实它的用处还真挺大。首先,我们知道终端和普通的文件流都是计算机中用于数据输入和输出的接口,但它们在功能和用途上存在显著差异。例如...
EDIT3: ignore everything(to save time) and skip directly to this comment for this ICE reproduction steps. EDIT2: this is probably already fixed nope! To reproduce the ICE currently, you have to do this because rust-clippy worked around i...
Stderr is not buffered, so there's no need to run a // destructor for flushing the buffer static INSTANCE: ReentrantLock<RefCell<StderrRaw>> = ReentrantLock::new(RefCell::new(stderr_raw())); Stderr { inner: &INSTANCE } } ...