1512 Number of Good Pairs Rust 1528 Shuffle String Rust 1534 Count Good Triplets Rust 1551 Minimum Operations to Make Array Equal Rust 1570 Dot Product of Two Sparse Vectors Rust 1572 Matrix Diagonal Sum Rust 1576 Replace All ?'s to Avoid Consecutive ... Rust ...
Some example of usage (more in the tests in each module) consisting to estimate intersection of contents of 2 vectors: Probminhash An example of Prominhash3a with an IndexMap (see test probminhash::tests::test_probminhash3a_count_intersection_unequal_weights) ...
throughput operations - measure the performance of common operations on batches of data. These measure operations that would commonly be processing batches of input, for example transforming a number of vectors with the same matrix. workload operations - these attempt to recreate common workloads found...
The cosine similarity is the inverse of the cosine distance, which is the cosine of the angle between two vectors. CosineSimilarity ( a , b ) = a ⋅ b ∥ a ∥ ⋅ ∥ b ∥ CosineDistance ( a , b ) = 1 − a ⋅ b ∥ a ∥ ⋅ ∥ b ∥ In NumPy terms, SimSIMD ...
a matrix inverse, vector normalization or multiplying two matrices. throughput operations - measure the performance of common operations on batches of data. These measure operations that would commonly be processing batches of input, for example transforming a number of vectors with the same matrix. ...
#include <simsimd/simsimd.h> int main() { simsimd_f64_t f64s[1536]; simsimd_f32_t f32s[1536]; simsimd_f16_t f16s[1536]; simsimd_distance_t distance; // Jensen-Shannon divergence between two vectors simsimd_js_f16(f16s, f16s, 1536, &distance); simsimd_js_f32(f32s, f32s...
SimSIMD also provides mixed-precision element-wise kernels, where the input vectors and the output have the same numeric type, but the intermediate accumulators are of a higher precision. import numpy as np from simsimd import fma, wsum # Let's take two FullHD video frames first_frame = np...
#include <simsimd/simsimd.h> int main() { simsimd_f64_t f64s[1536]; simsimd_f32_t f32s[1536]; simsimd_f16_t f16s[1536]; simsimd_distance_t distance; // Jensen-Shannon divergence between two vectors simsimd_js_f16(f16s, f16s, 1536, &distance); simsimd_js_f32(f32s, f32s...
1512 Number of Good Pairs Rust 1528 Shuffle String Rust 1534 Count Good Triplets Rust 1551 Minimum Operations to Make Array Equal Rust 1570 Dot Product of Two Sparse Vectors Rust 1572 Matrix Diagonal Sum Rust 1576 Replace All ?'s to Avoid Consecutive ... Rust ...
Some example of usage (more in the tests in each module) consisting to estimate intersection of contents of 2 vectors: Probminhash An example of Prominhash3a with an IndexMap (see test probminhash::tests::test_probminhash3a_count_intersection_unequal_weights) type FnvIndexMap<K, V> = ...