use atrous::transform::ATrousTransform; fn main() { // 打开我们带噪声的图像 let image = image::open("m33-noise-lum.jpg").unwrap(); // 使用 9 个层创建一个新的变换实例 let transform = ATrousTransform::new( , 9); // 对每个层进行映射|(mut buffer, pixel_scale)| { ...
constmap=newMap<string,string>();map.set("key1","value1");map.set("key2","value2");console.log(map.get("key1"));console.log(map.get("key2")); 在Rust 中这么写: usestd::collections::HashMap;fnmain(){letmutmap=HashMap::new();map.insert("key1","value1");map.insert("key...
thetawavegame/thetawave-legacy - A space shooter game that strives to be an entry point for new game developers to make their first contributions. Thinkofname/rust-quake - Quake map renderer. ttyperacer/terminal-typeracer - Single player typing test game written for the terminal Veloren - ...
DashMap tries to be very simple to use and to be a direct replacement forRwLock<HashMap<K, V>>. To accomplish these goals, all methods take&selfinstead of modifying methods taking&mut self. This allows you to put a DashMap in anArc<T>and share it between threads while still being able...
use std::fmt;struct Point{x:f64,y:f64,}impl fmt::DisplayforPoint{fnfmt(&self,f:&mut fmt::Formatter<'_>)->fmt::Result{write!(f,"({}, {})",self.x,self.y)}}fnmain(){letp=Point{x:2.0,y:-3.5};println!("{}",p);} ...
tiktoken A fast BPE tokeniser for use with OpenAI's models. tokenizers Python bindings to the Hugging Face tokenizers (NLP) written in Rust. tzfpy A fast package to convert longitude/latitude to timezone name. utiles Fast Python web-map tile utilities wasmer-python Python library to run We...
compute_incremental_hashes_map:计算源代码的增量哈希映射,用于标识源代码文件的更改; save_trans_partition:将中间表示(MIR)的转换分区保存到磁盘上; load_trans_partition:从磁盘上加载转换分区。 整体而言,rust/compiler/rustc_incremental/src/persist/ 文件通过定义和实现结构、函数和方法,提供了一套用于持...
NOTE: For Apple Silicon users, you shouldn't use Node.js v15, checkout#975for more. Notes It's recommended to add$CARGO_HOMEtoworkspace.ignoredFoldersto stop rust-analyzer runscargo checkon sysroot crates: "workspace.ignoredFolders": ["$HOME","$HOME/.cargo/**","$HOME/.rustup/**"]...
default use macros How it works Submit PR(Pull Requests) Changelog Roadmap Ask AI For Help(AI帮助) 联系方式/捐赠,或 rb 点star WebSite|Showcase|Example a compile-time code generation ORM that balances ease of writing with performance and robustness ...
usestd::ffi::{CStr,CString};usestd::os::raw::c_char;#[no_mangle]pub extern"C"fn to_uppercase(s:*const c_char)->*mut c_char {// 将 *const c_char 转成 &CStrlet s=unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(s)};// 将 &CStr 转成 &str// 然后调用 to_uppercase 转成大写,得到 Stringlet s...