它调用了RustcSession、build_session和compile_input等函数,负责设置编译器的全局状态、编译器会话(compiler session)以及编译输入,并最终启动编译过程。 然后,lib.rs文件定义了一系列编译过程的trait和结构体,这些结构体和trait用于实现具体的编译过程。例如,AstPass trait定义了对AST进行处理的过程,MirPass trait定义了...
Reliability:Our rich type system and ownership model ensure memory and thread safety, reducing bugs at compile-time. Productivity:Comprehensive documentation, a compiler committed to providing great diagnostics, and advanced tooling including package manager and build tool (Cargo), auto-formatter (rustfmt...
此外,该文件在编译过程中还会调用其他模块中的方法来实现更具体的功能,如rustc_interface::interface::compile方法用于编译整个项目,rustc_ast_passes::configure_and_expand方法用于配置和扩展抽象语法树等。 总之,rust/compiler/rustc_incremental/src/lib.rs文件是 Rust 编译器中实现增量编译功能的关键模块,定义了增...
首先,lib.rs文件定义了一个run_compiler函数,该函数接受编译器的输入参数,并根据这些参数执行对应的编译过程。它调用了RustcSession、build_session和compile_input等函数,负责设置编译器的全局状态、编译器会话(compiler session)以及编译输入,并最终启动编译过程。
It could be, but will require a bit of work with cargo-pgrx and figuring out how to compile pgrx's "cshim" static library. Sessions started before ALTER EXTENSION my_extension UPDATE; will continue to see the old version of my_extension. New sessions will see the updated version of ...
Here's an example of how we use the todo! macro in the exercises:Rust Copy fn main() { // Display the message "Hello, world!" todo!("Display the message by using the println!() macro"); } When you compile code that uses the todo! macro, the compiler can return a panic ...
To make changes to the package, just edit the Rust source code and then re-run maturin develop to recompile. To run this all as a single copy-and-paste, use the bash script below (replace string_sum in the first command with the desired package name): mkdir string_sum && cd "$_"...
Note: You can use the C++ toolset from Visual Studio Build Tools along with Visual Studio Code to compile, build, and verify any codebase as long as you also have a valid Visual Studio license (either Community, Pro, or Enterprise). ...
,标记编译期能够确定大小的类型(Types with a constant size known at compile time)。如果一个类型不能在编译期间确定其大小(只能在运行时确定),则称其为 DST(dynamically sized type),例如 str 类型。 默认情况下: 所有范型参数(generic type parameters)都会隐式添加 Sized trait bound(all generic type ...
but still allow the code to be compiled. Rust does not work that way. Theborrow checker—the part of Rust’s compiler that verifies allownership operationsare valid—is not an optional utility that can be toggled off. Code that isn’t valid for the borrow checker will not compile, period...