这个东西就是 Rust 中的generic_const_exprs https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/76560githu...
Concretely, consider the following code which compiles perfectly fine under both stable and nightly rust use std::marker::PhantomData; const CONSTANT_M: usize = 4; struct Foo<T, const GENERIC_M: usize> { content: PhantomData<[T; GENERIC_...
这在stable rust中是不可能的,因为const泛型上的算法还不稳定,nightly feature的标志是generic_const_e...
[feature(generic_const_exprs)], which is already enabled. There are no further details. I am aware thatgeneric_const_exprsis incomplete, but it would still be helpful (and hopefully not a ton of work) to be able to identify why it failed....
你目前无法稳定运行,它需要#![feature(generic_const_exprs)],因此每晚都需要: #![feature(generic_const_exprs)] struct NotWorking<Key> where // this where clause is required to constrain the generic, once GCEs // are complete it's need might go away. [(); 1024 / std::mem::size_of::<...
generic_const_exprs 需要的项目: https://github.com/seekstar/counter-timer-cpp 配合array-macro可以用array存timer而不是Vec。 RFC Multiple Attributes in an Attribute Container(postponed) 支持不允许Drop的类型:[https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/776] (postponed) ...
目前 rust web 应用开发方面实践下来小项目基本都是无痛的,而且收益是大于切换语言的成本的。补充一些...