a game server for rust + lua How to run git clone https://github.com/tickbh/tunm.git cd tunm cargo build ##dependence redis server mysql server and then modify config/Gate_GlobalConfig.conf and config/Client_GlobalConfig.conf to config your mysql db info, and redis db info ...
If the server exits by itself after seemingly starting up fine, make sure the Docker VM has at least 4GB of RAM. If you can connect to the RCON web UI, but not the game itself, make sure you've exposed port 28015 as UDP, not TCP. Anything else If you need help, have questions ...
If you have a question, please check out theFAQbefore asking. Chances are, the solution to your problem is already present there. If you still need help, feel free to ask on ourDiscord server. Other places you might want to check out arer/rust_gamedevand the#rust-gamedev IRC. ...
octocrab:面向GitHub REST API v3的客户端库,提供流畅的接口和可扩展性。 curl:为libcurl提供Rust语言绑定,libcurl是一个成熟且功能强大的HTTP客户端库。 reqwest-middleware:为reqwest构建的中间件系统,使得在reqwest的请求响应流程中添加自定义逻辑变得简单。 minreq:设计轻量,尽量减少依赖的简单HTTP客户端,适用于需要...
garkimasera/rusted-ruins— Extensible open world rogue like game with pixel art gorilla-devs/ferium— Ferium is a fast and feature rich CLI program for downloading and updating Minecraft mods from Modrinth, CurseForge, and GitHub Releases, and modpacks from Modrinth and CurseForge lifthrasiir/ango...
github源代码: hengsleep/Rust-flappy-game (github.com)github.com/hengsleep/Rust-flappy-game 演示示例: 安装完rust后,在cmd引用到对应文件夹目录下,运行: cargonew 在配置文件cargo.toml中修改如下: [package] name = "FirstGame-flappy-Xheng1934" ...
后续内容笔者将会针对不同的游戏模块内容,介绍相关的开发逻辑、算法。比如经典的a-star寻路算法,基于simplex噪声、perlin噪声的地图生成算法,以及基于ECS的战斗系统等等。另外,笔者也会介绍使用ggez框架过程中学习到的绘图一些经验、技巧,尽情期待! 代码仓库:w4ngzhen/rs-game-dev (github.com)...
但是从 GitHub 活动状态来看,开发状态还非常积极。主要的开发工作都是在 2021 年开始的。 CeresDB (国内 / 商业 / 时序数据库) 关键字:时序数据库 介绍 CeresDB 是蚂蚁集团研发的一款 TP/AP 融合时序数据库,满足金融时序、监控、IOT 等场景下的海量时序数据的存储、多维查询下钻和实时分析需求。有开源计划,但目...
fndraw(&mut self,ctx:&mut Context)->Result<(),GameError>{// 1. 构造canvas实例letmut canvas=graphics::Canvas::from_frame(ctx,graphics::Color::from([1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0]));// 2. 绘图letdraw_param=DrawParam::new().color(Color::new(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)).dest(Point2::from([10.,20.])...
git clone https://github.com/endgameinc/xori.git cd xori cargo build --release 创建xori.json配置文件: cpxori.json.example xori.json [editif desired] 构建符号文件(可选项): 如果你想要创建自己的符号文件,你需要设置dll目录。 "function_symbol32":"./src/analysis/symbols/generated_user_syswow64.js...