find * 【Lists available console commands.(列出控制台指令)】 kick "player" 【Kicks player from the server.(踢出某个玩家)】 ban "player" or "steamid" 【Bans player. Doesn't kick him though.(封掉一个玩家)】 banid "steamid" "reason" 【Bans a steamid from the server.(封掉一个玩家的st...
status 【See how many players are online on server.(查看在线玩家数量)】notice.popupall "message" 【Pops up a message for all players.(发送服务器公告,在每个玩家屏幕上弹出)】find * 【Lists available console commands.(列出控制台指令)】kick "player" 【Kicks player from the serv...
status 【See how many players are online on server.(查看在线玩家数量)】 notice.popupall "message" 【Pops up a message for all players.(发送服务器公告,在每个玩家屏幕上弹出)】 find * 【Lists available console commands.(列出控制台指令)】 kick "player" 【Kicks player from the server.(踢出某...
Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our Rust virtual private server hosting services. What Is Rust Hosting? How Do I Set up a Rust Dedicated Server? How Much Does Hosting a Rust Server Cost? Can I Install Mods and Plugins on My Rust Server Hosting? Can I Change My...
比如这里几个.map(),我觉得挺合适,用 for 反而不能惰性迭代,写成几段 for 的话,前面的步骤第几...
pipeline太多, 表明代码复杂度太高, 缺乏层次感. 很容易导致API不稳定, 代码总是要适度抽象, 否则改...
6.1 Find router login address Open the Start Menu. Typecmdand press enter to open thecommand prompt. Now, type the following command and press enter to run it.ipconfig The gateway IP address is your router’s login address. Copy it. ...
server: # 连接服务端是否加密 ts: true # 内网映射配置的数组 mappings: #将localhost的域名转发到本地的127.0.0.1:8080 - name: web mode: http local_addr: domain: localhost headers: - [proxy, +, x-forward-for, $client_ip] ...
qarmin/czkawka - Multi-functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images, etc. redox-os/ion - Next-generation system shell sharkdp/bat - A cat(1) clone with wings. sharkdp/fd - A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find. sitkevij/hex - A colorized hexdump...
cargo-embed A superset of cargo-flash with additional useful features like configuration file support, an RTT terminal, or a GDB server. - cargo-hf2 A small cargo subcommand to download cargo builds to Microsoft UF2 bootloaders via HID USB . - cargo-bloat Find out what takes most of ...