裸函数是指没有函数调用规范(calling convention)和修饰(prologue/epilogue)的函数,通常用于与汇编语言进行交互。 在这个文件中,CheckParameters<'tcx>和CheckInlineAssembly<'tcx>是两个结构体,用于分别检查和处理裸函数的参数和内联汇编代码。CheckParameters结构体实现了Visitortrait,用于在编译器的语法树中查找裸函数,并...
and note there’s no mention ofsrc/main.rs. Cargo follows a convention thatsrc/main.rsis the crate root of a binary crate with the same name as the package. Likewise, Cargo knows that if the package directory contains
following module naming convention:+---+---+|Module Name|File Path|+---+---+|Main|/home/stephan/Development/prod_compilererrors/elm/src/Main.elm||HomePage|/home/stephan/Development/prod_compilererrors/elm/src/HomePage.elm||Http.Helpers|/home/stephan/Development/prod_...
Swift 与 C 的互相调用,很多概念需要了解。在被Unmanaged,@escaping,@convention,UnsafePointer,UnsafeBufferPointer,UnsafeMutableRawPointer折磨许久之后,终于可以在 Swift 中拿到 Rust 的回调了。 Cocoapods 支持 XCFramework,尝试了 SPM,找不到符号的问题没有解决。暂时放一放。在花费了以天计的时间成本之后,终于在 ...
(unix) { Platform::Unix } else { Platform::Unknown } } // The convention for Rust identifiers is the snake_case, // and they are automatically converted to camelCase on the Dart side. pub fn rust_release_mode() -> bool { cfg!(not(debug_assertions)) } pub fn test() -> String ...
s no mention ofsrc/main.rs. Cargo follows a convention thatsrc/main.rsis the crate root of a binary crate with the same name as the package. Likewise, Cargo knows that if the package directory containssrc/lib.rs, the package contains a library crate with the same name as the package, ...
除了RFC 199 和 RFC 344 (见上)规定的以外,还有一些其他的关于如何选择方法名称的约定,目前还没有在 RFC 中提及。这些约定大部分都在旧的 Rust 风格指南和 @llogiq 的文章 Rustic Bits 以及 clippy 的 wrong_self_convention 检测项中提到了。这里总结一下。
Swift 与 C 的互相调用,很多概念需要了解。在被Unmanaged,@escaping,@convention,UnsafePointer,UnsafeBufferPointer,UnsafeMutableRawPointer折磨许久之后,终于可以在 Swift 中拿到 Rust 的回调了。 Cocoapods 支持 XCFramework,尝试了 SPM,找不到符号的问题没有解决。暂时放一放。在花费了以天计的时间成本之后,终于在 ...
Cannot document a package where a library and a binary have the same name. Consider renaming one or marking the target as doc = false 当库和可执行文件有相同名字时,不能记录为一个包。考虑重命名或者标记目标为doc = falsefits well with rust’s convention-over-configuration approach! both answers...
docs: Add message convention and release details Aug 10, 2022 Cargo.lock chore(rumqttc): update dependencies for rumqttc (#911) Dec 20, 2024 Cargo.toml ci(actions): prevent "out of space" error on github actions ubuntu im… Feb 22, 2024 Cross.toml feat: configure cross to support x86...