Common bean has been cultivated in Portugal since the sixteenth century, in low-input farming systems, mainly for farmers’ self-consumption or to sell in local markets [6, 7]. The analysis of the Portuguese germplasm’s genetic structure and phaseolin type diversity [3] revealed its proximity...
3]. In many cases two taxonomically unrelated hosts are required to complete the life cycle. Different species of rust fungi have different host ranges, but many can infect a wide variety of plant species within a particular plant family or group, hindering their management in the field [4]....
+server.logoimage <url> It must be a direct URL link that leads to your .png / .jpg file. For example,"" Icon Preferences Recommended image size for a custom icon is 256x256 px. In Rust+ app and in-game, icon is always displayed in a circle,...
Linux usesSteamCMDto install and update the server software. It is similar to windows. Here is a simple step by step guide to install Go to the directory where you want to install the server and create a directory for it. Here we are placing it in the users home directory. ...
Triticale straw and seeds constitute a potential raw material for biofuel production. Moreover, at present, growing interest in organic agriculture practices is initiate the testing of triticale applicable to organic or low-input farming. In particular, triticale shows a number of advantages such as ...
Currently, only a few specific decision support systems (DSSs) addressing the control of rust diseases in wheat have been adopted within farming practices, where decisions on rust control during the season rely on scouting or national monitoring systems. Crop Protection Online is an example of a ...