(F1).(使用控制台登录服务器)】 status 【See how many players are online on server.(查看在线玩家数量)】 notice.popupall "message" 【Pops up a message for all players.(发送服务器公告,在每个玩家屏幕上弹出)】 find * 【Lists available console commands.(列出控制台指令)】 kick "player" 【Kicks...
Rust offers quite a selection of admin commands. Hit Control+F on your keyboard to search through the lists. To use these commands, you must have auth level 2, or admin authentication. We show you how to become admin within our Rust New Server Startup Guide - Becoming A Server ...
/tphere playername 【ADMIN ONLY - teleports a player to you(传送一个玩家到你这里)】 /tpto playername 【ADMIN ONLY - teleports you to a player(传送你到一个玩家那里)】 /loadout 【ADMIN ONLY - spawns you an admin loadout set in the config file(生成一个管理操作记录在设置文件夹下) Ru...
/unshare playername 【unshares your doors with a player(解除对一个玩家的门共享)】 /help 【Shows commands(显示所有指令)】 /pm "playername" "message" 【private messages a player.(私聊一个玩家,名字必须写全)】 /r message here 【quick reply to last PM(快速回复上一个私聊你的玩家)】 /histo...
Using Oxide Commands When adding lots of plugins and attempting to manage players, Oxide commands help by allowing you to easily add permissions to custom groups for users. This makes a default account have limited access to commands and functions, thereby not having admin privileges or unwarranted...
The RUST teleport command, also known as the RUST tp command, allows admins to teleport a player’s character from one location to a specified location, object, or player. There are multiple tp commands and ways that teleportation works in RUST. Some teleport commands allow admins and moderat...
Once installed and permitted to use the mod, players may activate it in-game via a simplecommand in the chat or by typingin the F1 console. Users may also use. Additional chat commands are as follows: CommandDescription /radar anchors_reset Adjusts anchor sets to default both in the config...
以下是F1输入的指令!! 代码网址:https://.youxigood/yxzx/ 按F1输入指令bindHnoclip然后H键可飞行 取消禁言:global.unmutechat空格加上玩家steamid(游戏输入不行就后台输入) 游戏封禁:ban数字steamID然后在输入一条server.writecfg 游戏解封:unban数字steamID然后在输入一条server.writecfg ...
4.按F1,打开命令行输入窗口,输入net.connect,回车等待进入游戏,按F1隐藏命令行输入窗口,爽玩! PS:LumaEmu.ini里可以修改服务器和玩家名字 《腐蚀》是一款开放性的3D多人联机游戏。本作打造了一个残酷的生存环境,充满了弱肉强食,而玩家唯一的目标就是为了活下去。