【Devblog 1..1.金属店面每个玩家在店面的两侧,打开它储存。 他们都把他们所需的交易物品放在身上然后按下接受。 当双方都接受了,物品将被存入其他玩家的库存。 如果你按下取消按钮。取代了老版售货窗口,玻璃是无敌的,玩
“Rust is one of the cruelest games on Steam, and that's what makes it so compelling.” PC Gamer article Latest News Primitive 5 Days Ago DEVBLOG The Primitive update is here. And it's a big one! Featuring four siege weapons, a new bow, shields, and a new game mode. As well as...
functionmain() {let s: number[] = [1, 2, 3];let t = s;let u = s;console.log(s, t, u);} 这段代码并不复杂,但是我想请您尝试回答以下三个问题:变量 s 存储在栈内存中还是堆内存中?变量 s 占用多少内存空间?具体来说,多少 bit?变量 s 所占用的内存空间什么时候会被回收?即使是富有...
【社区更新】Devb..3、垃圾箱。 垃圾箱加入到游戏啦。现在房主可以把垃圾箱挂在墙上。垃圾箱分为外侧、内侧。外侧就在房子外面的墙壁上了。野外的玩家可以去垃圾箱里面找找东西。当然,这也可以用来交易。野外的玩家把东西放入垃圾
“Rust is one of the cruelest games on Steam, and that's what makes it so compelling.” PC Gamer article Latest News Primitive 4 Days Ago DEVBLOG The Primitive update is here. And it's a big one! Featuring four siege weapons, a new bow, shields, and a new game mode. As well as...
Blog RustConf 2024 trip report Josh Stone November 27, 2024 This year's RustConf in Montreal hosted many good talks from the Rust Project Article Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.5: What are the top features for developers? Nikhil Mungale
在上一篇致所有渴望学习Rust的人的信中我们介绍了Rust可以在命令行工具上也大有建树。 现在就是我们兑现承诺的时候了。 Rust是一种静态编译的、快速的语言,具有出色的工具支持和迅速增长的生态系统。这使它非常适合编写命令行应用程序。 通过编写具有简单CLI的程序,对于那些初学者来说是一个很好的练习,也是我们需要「...
Devblog 85 Garry Wipe updates are an opportunity for us to do all the stuff that would have otherwise break saves. Stuff like renaming/removing items and entities, and changing stuff about how the building system works. I had a lot of stuff backed up that I wanted to take care of this...