高级函数/闭包:函数指针(function pointer)和返回闭包(return closures)。 宏(macro): 一种定义代码的方法,这些方法会在编译的时候定义更多的代码(ways to define code that defines more code at compile time)。unsafe Rust[2] 目前我们代码都是基于内存安全的,并且会在编译阶段进行限制报错不安全代码。
Finally, there’s alsoLazy Static, currently the most popular crate for initialization of global variables. It uses a macro with a small syntax extension (static ref) to define global variables. Here’s the same example again, translated fromonce_celltolazy_static: ...
greyblake/nutype [nutype]— define newtype structures with validation constraints. mrhooray/kdtree-rs— K-dimensional tree in Rust for fast geospatial indexing and nearest neighbors lookup orium/rpds [rpds]— Persistent data structures in Rust. RoaringBitmap/roaring-rs –Roaring Bitmaps in Rus...
Mutable global variable: 43 As you can see, we start by importing the necessary libraries: lazy_static and std::sync::Mutex. The lazy_static! macro is used to define a mutable global variable. This macro will ensure that the variable is only initialized when it is first accessed. In ou...
static - global variable or lifetime lasting the entire program execution struct - define a structure super - parent module of the current module trait - define a trait true - Boolean true literal type - define a type alias or associated type unsafe - denote unsafe code, functions, traits, ...
We declare a variable named shadow_num. We don't define the variable as mutable because each let operation creates a new variable named shadow_num while shadowing the previous variable binding.Rust Copy // Declare first variable binding with name "shadow_num" let shadow_num = 5; // ...
常量在运行时不存在。它们可以被认为是固定的表达式,被复制+粘贴到它们被使用的地方,类似于C语言中的#defines和enum声明器。 Globals看起来像常量,但有一个关键字static。 static MY_GLOBAL: u8 = 0x00; ...
本文档是针对嵌入式开发而写。这里不会讨论任何非嵌入式的 Rust 特性:见 https://rust-embedded.github.io/book/intro/no-std.html 。 Cpp 用户请注意。Rust 和 Cpp 共享很多术语与概念(所有权、生命周期、析构器、多态性),但 Rust 对它们的实现往往具有明显不同的语义。在 Cpp 中的经验不应该被期望能准确...
We declare a variable named shadow_num. We don't define the variable as mutable because each let operation creates a new variable named shadow_num while shadowing the previous variable binding.Rust Copy // Declare first variable binding with name "shadow_num" let shadow_num = 5; // ...
Rust中,每个变量必须被合理初始化之后才能被使用.使用未初始 化变量这样的错误,在Rust中是不可能出现的(利用unsafe做hack除 外).如下这个简单的程序,也不能编译通过: fn main() { let x: i32; println!("{}", x); } 错误信息为: error: use of possibly uninitialized variable: `x` 编译器会帮我们做...