举例:安装AdminRadar插件mod雷达的意思,原官方的调用命令为/radar那么我们国人用起来或是根据个人习惯肯定是ld会比较方便嘛,那么直接在Rust Server > rustds > oxide > config路径下找到我们放进去的AdminRadar.json文件右键编辑修改这一栏Chat Command:"radar" 改为ld 改完后让服务端重新读取插件内容,然后进入到...
To add yourself as admin (authlevel 2) type "ownerid YourSteamId64" in the Command Prompt and re-join the server, or add it to the users.cfg located in ../server/serveridentity/cfg. Otherwise, you can use RustAdmin, a nice remote RCON client (recommended). When the server is up...
4:) RustDedicated.exe -batchmode +server.port 28015 +server.level "Procedural Map" +server.seed 1234 +server.worldsize 4000 +server.maxplayers 10 +server.hostname "Name of Server as Shown on the Client Server List" +server.description "Description shown on server connection window." +server....
Server Admins RUST server owners andadmins【备注https://www.corrosionhour.com/what-is-a-rust-admin/】are burdened with updating their server’s configurations, firewall rules, 3rd party services, documentation, and marketing per the new changes. Be sure to communicate any significant changes made...
远程管理工具 Rustadmin(可能需翻墙):https://www.rustadmin.com/Rustadmin :使用及其注意项:1. 如果管理工具存在二个人以上使用需要配置多个Rcon 端口 及其密码,Web 页面的使用可能需要单独配置它Ice 已臻大成 14 该楼层疑似违规已被系统折叠 查看此楼 登录...
echo Starting Server… echo正在等待服务器启动,如果2分钟后服务器还没有启动,请按下Ctrl+c 关闭命令行,同时启动任务管理器关闭RustDedicate.exe程序,重新启动脚本。 RustDedicated.exe -batchmode ^ +server.port 28015 ^ +server.level “Procedural Map” ^ ...
echo Starting Server... 1. 2. 3. echo 正在等待服务器启动,如果2分钟后服务器还没有启动,请按下Ctrl+c 关闭命令行,同时启动任务管理器关闭RustDedicate.exe程序,重新启动脚本。 RustDedicated.exe -batchmode ^ +server.port 28015 ^ +server.level "Procedural Map" ^ ...
举例:安装AdminRadar插件mod雷达的意思,原官方的调用命令为/radar那么我们国人用起来或是根据个人习惯肯定是ld会比较方便嘛,那么直接在Rust Server > rustds > oxide > config路径下找到我们放进去的AdminRadar.json文件右键编辑修改这一栏Chat Command: "radar" 改为ld ...
下载了Oxide插件驱动后,解压可以获得一个名为 RustDedicated_Data 的文件夹。将该文件夹拷贝至游戏服务器目录覆盖即可。此时需要先启动游戏服务器生成插件安装相关的文件和文件夹。启动服务器同样适用windows批处理文件进行。脚本内容如下:@echo off:startecho Starting Server...echo 正在等待服务器启动,如果2分钟后...
For example, use server admin commands to adjust world settings and PvP/PvE options to ensure fair competition.Employing users command options is essential to maintain a positive gaming environment based on community feedback and needs. Use users kick <username> to temporarily punish misbehaving ...