结果导致vscode设置的断点不能被命中。 最终查明原因是rustc默认不生成debug symbol,需要用rustc -g xxx.rs才能生成。-g = -C debuginfo=2, rust codegen参数参考如下: Codegen Options - The rustc book 测试了下,cargo build默认是带debug symbol的,可以使用cargo build --release去掉。 debug symbol确认方法...
"request":"launch","program":"${workspaceFolder}/target/debug/your_program_name",// 替换为你的程序名称"args":[],"cwd":"${workspaceFolder}","preLaunchTask":"cargo build",// 确保在调试前构建程序"stopAtEntry":false,"runInTerminal":true}]}...
use hotpot_db::*;use serde::{Deserialize,Serialize};#[derive(Debug,Serialize,Deserialize)]struct Person{name:String,age:u8,}fnmain()->Result<(),hotpot_db::Error>{letmut pot=HotPot::new();// lets make a new collectionpot.create_collection("address_book")?;// well make a new item w...
Microsoft C++(ms-vscode.cpptools) –on Windows CodeLLDB(vadimcn.vscode-lldb) –on macOS/Linux If you forget to install one of these extensions, rust-analyzer will provide a notification with links to the VS Code Marketplace when you try to start a debug session. ...
vscode 调试debug rust代码的时候,中文乱码的解决办法,上次也是同样的问题,解决了。今天又遇到,我还以为是项目代码用了什么高深的地方,其实用chcp65001,都可以解决。方法二:直接在terminal里:chcp65001,解决。但建议不要用这种方法,因为会引起其他软件不能用(或者
Rust: VSCode debug设置 前提 切换到msvc toolchain byrustup default stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc 步骤 Install Rust and VS Code This should go without saying. Install Rust Install Visual Studio Code Install VS Code Extensions You'll need to install an extension. Which one depends on your platfo...
Rust: VSCode debug设置 Rust: VSCode debug设置 前提 切换到msvc toolchain by rustup default stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc 步骤 Install Rust and VS Code This should go without saying. Install VS Code Extensions You'll need to install an extension. Which one depends on your...
我们可以使用 VSCode 来调试我们的 napi-rs 应用,我们可以参考Taro 项目,在项目的 .vscode 目录下新增 launch.json 配置如下: { // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes. // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes. // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwl...
为什么我的新Rust项目会将可执行文件发送到以前的项目target/debug & target/release文件夹? 、 我在Ubuntu18.04上的VSCodeRust项目的路径是~/Documents/VSCode_Projects/VSCode_Rust_Projects。在VSCode_Rust_Projects文件夹中,我有两个工作正常的项目。我刚刚在文件夹VSCode_Rust_Projects中创建了第三个新项目,由于某种...
After I started "Debug unit tests in library 'foo'", I got an error message, "Cargo has produced no matching compilation artifacts". What can I do to fix this error? My setup: macOS Big Sur 11.2.3, Visual Studio Code(VSCode) 1.55.1, CodeLLDB 1.6.1, cargo 1.51.0. macos visual-st...