这是Game Rust的Discord Bot。 该项目是使用库创建的。 您将需要node.js,下载它并从node index.js开始 请编辑 。 如果你不知道如何得到服务器的IP,端口或玩家ID /令牌- >检查出。 预先构建Discord Bot将同步游戏中的团队聊天和Discord频道聊天。 您还可以向其中添加智能警报或其他任何内容。 以下是一些示例:(...
更新discord bot上的活动状态,并显示连接到支持sourcequery / rest api网站和webrcon的游戏服务器的玩家数量。 它最初是为游戏Rust创建的,但现在也支持任何支持sourcequery或来自以下站点的rest api的游戏。 用nodejs编写,需要npm和nodejs。 您可以在Windows,macOS,Linux或docker上运行它,请在安装中获取更多信息。 源...
In 2021 it launched a console version of the game, and with the hype of Rust, many players were eager to play the Rust Console version. In this complete guide, we love to explore the Rust Console Discord and let you know all there is to it. You should stick around if you play Rust...
settings of Discord's developer portal. The bot uses shuttle.rs to run, so you'll have to run the bot using cargo shuttle run --release.The Secrets.dev.toml.template contains an example of the necessary Secrets.dev.toml file for local development.Credits...
ctx.say("https://github.com/rust-community-discord/ferrisbot-for-discord") .await?; Ok(()) } /// Show this menu #[poise::command(slash_command, category = "Utilities", track_edits)] #[poise::command(prefix_command, slash_command, category = "Utilities", track_edits)] p...
After this replacement, when Discord is launched, HLOADER renames itself toMacOS.tmp, renames the.lockfile back toDiscord, and executes both the genuineDiscordbinary and the SUGARLOADER executable saved as.log. This causes the entire renaming/reloading process to repeat. ...
在discord.js中,可以通过以下步骤来任意选择JSON文件中的对象: 1. 首先,确保已经安装了discord.js库。可以使用以下命令进行安装: ``` npm install discor...
从Python异步调用PostgreSQL 答案:异步调用是指在调用某个函数或方法时,不需要等待其执行完毕才继续执行下一步操作,而是立即返回一个占位符(Promise、Future、Task等),...
A Discord bot, written in Rust, that generates responses using any language model supported by llm. Built on top of llm. Setup Model See llm's README. Bot Discord Create a Discord application and fill it out with your own details. Go to Bot and create a new Bot. Hit Reset Token, ...
Run the bot: Open a console, go to the bot directory and run./disle You should get "Bot running, quit with Ctrl-C. Disle-Dev is connected!" ReplaceCLIENTIDwith the value of your application Client ID (in "General Information) in:https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=CLIE...