+ console::Term, + theme::ColorfulTheme, + Select +}; +use console::style; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 新增枚举信息 前面说过,我们想通过人机交互的方式,在cli运行过程中让用户自己选择我们内置的功能点。所以,这些内置功能我们可以需要事先设定好。 复制 #[derive(Clon...
+ console::Term, + theme::ColorfulTheme, + Select +}; +use console::style; 新增枚举信息 前面说过,我们想通过人机交互的方式,在cli运行过程中让用户自己选择我们内置的功能点。所以,这些内置功能我们可以需要事先设定好。 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, ValueEnum)] pub enum Name { N1...
服务器指令 rcon.login "password" 【Use your 'Password' to login into Rcon via ingame console (F1)。(使用控制台登录服务器)】 status 【See how many players are online on server.(查看在线玩家数量)】 notice.popupall "message" 【Pops up a message for all players.(发送服务器公告,在每个玩家...
use std::path::PathBuf; use dialoguer::{console::Term, theme::ColorfulTheme, Select}; anyhow用于「简化错误处理」的库,Result是一个枚举,代表操作可能的成功(Ok)或失败(Err)。 clap用于「解析命令行参数」。Parser,Subcommand,ValueEnum,EnumValueParser, 和ValueHint是用来定义如何解析命令行参数和如何与它们...
Console Tabs The Console is divided into five different tabs, each with its own set of features and functions: CONSOLE: This tab is where you can input console commands and variables to manipulate the game. INFO: This tab lists your computer details and current map specifics, such as the ...
那我们就再次用一个简单的例子来介绍一下哇。 安装新的包 首先,我们需要安装几个用于交互的包。 代码语言:javascript 复制 cargo add anyhow cargo add dialoguer cargo add console 随后,就他们就会自动被注入到Cargo.toml中了。关于anyhow/dialoguer/
rcon.login "password" 【Use your 'Password' to login into Rcon via ingame console (F1).(使用控制台登录服务器)】 status 【See how many players are online on server.(查看在线玩家数量)】 notice.popupall "message" 【Pops up a message for all players.(发送服务器公告,在每个玩家屏幕上弹出)】...
The terminal is abstracted through theconsole::Termtype. It can either directly provide access to the connected terminal or by buffering up commands. A buffered terminal will however not be completely buffered on windows where cursor movements are currently directly passed through. ...
Keep in mind that server console only notifies about the NRE – detailed error can be found in the full server log. It is not always possible to identify the problematic prefab, so sometimes debugging can be a very annoying process. Pay attention to a full NRE log, since sometimes function...
On success the console will display: env.time: "12.00" RUST env.day command (2 of 6) This command is used to get or set the current day in the RUST game world. Once this command is issued, it will immediately change the game world’s setting. ...