Server commands Some commands are only designed to be used through the server console but can be used via a client with admin if prefixed with "sv", eg, thesaycommand that broadcasts a message in chat from the server can be only be used by the client by doingsv say Some commands have...
Console Tabs The Console is divided into five different tabs, each with its own set of features and functions: CONSOLE: This tab is where you can input console commands and variables to manipulate the game. INFO: This tab lists your computer details and current map specifics, such as the m...
+ console::Term, + theme::ColorfulTheme, + Select +}; +use console::style; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 新增枚举信息 前面说过,我们想通过人机交互的方式,在cli运行过程中让用户自己选择我们内置的功能点。所以,这些内置功能我们可以需要事先设定好。 复制 #[derive(Clon...
+ console::Term, + theme::ColorfulTheme, + Select +}; +use console::style; 新增枚举信息 前面说过,我们想通过人机交互的方式,在cli运行过程中让用户自己选择我们内置的功能点。所以,这些内置功能我们可以需要事先设定好。 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, ValueEnum)] pub enum Name { N1...
像我们的f_cli就是这种交互流程。用户通过人机交互的方式可以选择内置功能。 f_cli 选择UI库 那我们就再次用一个简单的例子来介绍一下哇。 安装新的包 首先,我们需要安装几个用于交互的包。 代码语言:javascript 复制 cargo add anyhow cargo add dialoguer cargo add console...
Console Commands Console commands run via in-game console require the player running them has admin privileges. Console commands can also be run via rcon rustedit - Show all available console commands rustedit.apc.status - Show the current status of custom APCs ...
Console is in 'commands' mode, prefix expressions with '?'. Launching: /Users/user/Desktop/test/target/debug/test Launched process 2219 Process exited with code -1. My program is just a simple "hello world" just to see if I could isolate my problem. ...
Commands This plugin provides both chat and console commands using the same syntax. When using a command in chat, prefix it with a forward slash: `/`. Console Commands tpve.def- Wipe and create default configuration/data tpve.sched [enable|disable]- Enable/disable the schedule ...
看上面我们定义了很多关于logger的方法,其实就是对console的封装。 然后,我们就挑一个来简单讲讲。 pub fn message(msg: &str) { println!("[{}] {}", style("f_cli").blue(), msg) } 「函数定义」:pub fn message(msg: &str) { println!("[{}] {}", style("f_cli").blue(), msg)}...
main.rshas the program's entry functionmain()and prints "Hello, world!" to the console usingprintln!. fnmain() {println!("Hello, world!");} This simple Hello World program doesn't have any dependencies but you would add Rust package (crate) references under[dependencies]. ...