dprint— A pluggable and configurable code formatting platform Prettier Rust— An opinionated Rust code formatter that autofixes bad syntax (Prettier community plugin) rustfmt— Rust code formatter maintained by the Rust team and included in cargo...
This map version is community-made and based on the 2018 version. If there's one thing the Rust community doesn't lack, it is passion. We plan to host Hapis Island until at least March 2024. We're hosting two servers of Hapis Island across different regions. These can be found in the...
Rustacean Station - A community project for creating podcast content for Rust Rust Design Patterns - A catalogue of Rust design patterns, anti-patterns and idioms Rust Guidelines - Aaron Turon's blog posts on rust Rust Servers, Services and Apps - MEAP - Build backend servers, services, and...
$ sudo setcap cap_net_admin+ep ./cloud-hypervisor $ ./create-cloud-init.sh $ ./cloud-hypervisor \ --kernel ./linux-cloud-hypervisor/arch/arm64/boot/Image \ --disk path=focal-server-cloudimg-arm64.raw path=/tmp/ubuntu-cloudinit.img \ --cmdline"console=hvc0 root=/dev/vda1 rw"\ ...
Awesome Rust If you want to contribute, please readthis
Rust代码和资源汇总 Rust代码和资源的整理清单,助您快速成为rust高手! tips:作者《Go Web编程实战派——从入门到精通》出版了,对于想学Go语言的朋友,欢迎京东当当购买!
All blueprints on Facepunch Hapis Island servers will be wiped today. thumb_up341 thumb_down29 Steam Point Store We're finally releasing the updated RustSteam Point storetoday, Lewis and Paddy have been working hard on improving the quality and quantity of the store assets. ...
rustlang-cn/ruster— online community in rust for rust community Web Servers Man In The Middle Proxy— A MITM Proxy Written in Rust 🦀! Toolkit for HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and WebSockets with SSL/TLS Capabilities. Poem Framework— A full-featured and easy-to-use web framework with the Rust...
a8m/pb [pbr]— console progress bar for Rust FGRibreau/spinners [spinners]— 60+ elegant terminal spinners Prompt hashmismatch/terminal_cli.rs [terminal_cli] — build an interactive command prompt Style ogham/rust-ansi-term [ansi_term]— control colours and formatting on ANSI terminals ...
Publisher Double Eleven and developer Facepunch Studios announced Rust: Console Edition will launch for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox [...]