/starter 【gives a configurable starter kit(给予初始装备)】 /friends 【shows your friends list(显示朋友列表)】 /addfriend playername 【adds a player to your friends list(添加一个玩家为好友)】 /unfriend playername 【removes a friend(移除一个好友)】 /about 【shows server mod version(显示服务器...
If you need a command but don't remember its full name, you can usefind [text]command. It will show a full list of available commands, variables and descriptions that matches your request. You can search for any kind of collection of symbols, words and etc. Server commands Some commands ...
List of Items.(给玩家东西,“玩家”“物品”“数量”)】 inv.giveall "item" "amount" 【Gives all players 'Item'. Full Item name required. List of Items.(给所有人东西,“玩家”“物品”“数量”,比如节日的时候,可以作为惊喜,没人给一把枪什么的)】 dmg.godmode true/false 【Gives all logged ...
List of useful commands for Rust Updated over 5 months ago NOTE Commands with an asterisk (*) in notes are only available via RCON, meaning that they might need to be inserted via the server console instead of the in-game console
A full list of console commands can be found on theRust Console Commandspage. Console Tabs The Console is divided into five different tabs, each with its own set of features and functions: CONSOLE: This tab is where you can input console commands and variables to manipulate the game. ...
rustup toolchain list 此命令将显示已安装的所有Rust工具链。 4. 查看已安装的组件 对于当前活动的工具链,可以查看已安装的组件(如rustc、cargo等): rustup component list --installed 5. 更新Rust和rustup 为了确保你的工具是最新的,可以定期运行更新命令: rustup update 这个命令会更新所有已安装的工具链...
Rust代码和资源汇总 Rust代码和资源的整理清单,助您快速成为rust高手! tips:作者《Go Web编程实战派——从入门到精通》出版了,对于想学Go语言的朋友,欢迎京东当当购买!
This is a curated list of resources related to embedded and low-level programming in the Rust programming language, including a selection of useful crates.This project is developed and maintained by the Resources team.Don't see something you want or need here? Add it to the Not Yet Awesome ...
cargo-do— run multiple cargo commands in a row cargo-ebuild— cargo extension that can generate ebuilds using the in-tree eclasses cargo-edit— allows you to add and list dependencies by reading/writing to your Cargo.toml file from the command line cargo-find deprecated— Find crates fr...
echo "text"Prints text to the server console env.timeSets the time to this value in hours event.runSends an airdrop from a random direction find Searches for a command, using "." will list all commands. say "Message"Broadcasts a message to all players server.globalchattrue...