server.maxpacketsize_command 100000 server.maxmainthreadwait 100 server.maxitemstacksmovedpertickindustrial 12 How many stacks a single conveyor can move in a single tick server.maximumpings 5 How many pings can be placed by each player server.maximummapmarkers 5 How many markers each player ...
Wallpapers can only be applied to the interior side of your walls. Purely visual, they don't provide any additional protection, are easy to remove and won't interfere with the deployment of any other items. Default blueprint Crafting cost: 10 cloth for 2 pieces of wallpaper Includes 'Vintag...
Added new IoEntity.infiniteIoPower convar to power everything on a server • Can now pick up and shred player purchasable helicopters in the Junkyard • Added Built-In Server Profiler • Added "invis" admin command that makes the admin invisible to players and NPCs ...
Added debugcamera_raise and debugcamera_lower binds instead of hardcoding to Q/E • Added physical camera convars for the debug camera • Added camera info overlay command for the debug camera • Kayak now faces away from the player deploying by default • Mailbox, BBQ, Medium ...
Looking for someone new to chat with? You can use the Directory tab to see a list of public phones. Any phone with a name will be listed in the directory, so to make your phone public you just to need to name it in the Dialing UI. You can delete the name of your phone to disab...