Command-Line Rust 作者: Ken Youens-Clark 副标题: A Project-Based Primer for Writing Rust CLIs出版年: 2022-2-22页数: 396定价: USD 59.99装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9781098109431豆瓣评分 7.8 22人评价 5星 22.7% 4星 59.1% 3星 18.2% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% ...
Command Line Applications in Rust This repo contains the CLAiR, the Command Line Applications in Rust book. It is written and updated by the Rust CLI working group. Building Building the book requires mdBook. To get it: $ cargo install mdbook To build the book, type: $ mdbook build The ...
Rust Lang Book Ch.12 An I/O Project: Building a Command Line Program src/lib.rs1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 ...
摘要:Emerge 源代码可视化工具、Tale Book 个人图书管理系统、PyTorch 深度度量学习库、基于PyTorch的VITS-BigVGAN的TTS中文模型、JSON文件结构化diff工具、『Rust命令行编程指南』随书代码、北大 NLP 新手入门教程、流体动力学资源列表、图像补全资源列表、前沿论文… 日报合辑 | 电子月刊 | 公众号下载资料 | @韩信子...
shticker_book_unwritten:Toontown Rewritten MMORPG的最小CLI启动器cargo-screeps:用于将Rust WASM代码部署到Screeps游戏服务器的构建工具rosu-pp:所有模式的osu!难度和pp计算retro:游戏目录管理riven:Riot Games API库piston_mix_economy:在MMO世界中混合调整经济的研究项目tmaze:跨平台迷宫求解游戏,完全用Rust编写,适用...
This is the code repository for the O'Reilly book Command-Line Rust (ISBN 9781098109417) by Ken Youens-Clark. The "main" branch has the original source code using version 2.33 of the clap crate, which was the latest version while I was writing the book. The "clap_v4" branch has been ...
--build-plan向stdout输出一系列JSON消息,指示运行构建的命令。此选项不稳定,仅在nightly channel可用,并且需要-Z unstable-options标志才能启用。请参阅>了解更多信息。
有句话叫,学习 Rust 一点都不难,我学过好多次了。最近有时间再学一遍,比较了几本书:《Rust 编程之道》《Programming Rust》《Programming Rust, 2nd Edition》《Rust 程序设计(第2版)》《Rust 程序设计》(本文不是一篇书评,是几本书的横评)《Rust 编程之道》最开始从《Rust 编程之道》读起,这还是我多年前...
intelli-shell - Bookmark commands with placeholders and search or autocomplete at any time just— A handy command runner for project-specific tasks mask— A CLI task runner defined by a simple markdown file Module Linker— Extension that adds <a> links to references in mod, use and extern...
UnstableBookGen: 该结构体用于生成不稳定特性的Rust书籍。 RustcBook: 该结构体负责生成Rust编译器文档。 DocumentationFormat: 这个枚举类型包含不同的文档格式,用于指定生成的文档格式。 在总体上,rust/src/bootstrap/doc.rs文件通过这些结构体和枚举为Rust源代码提供了一个统一的文档生成框架,用于构建和生成Rust官方...