Pancurses is a curses library for Rust to provide a more Rustic interface over the usual curses functions for ease of use while remaining close enough to curses to make porting easy. StructOpt parses command line arguments by defining a struct. It combines clap with custom derive. clap or C...
6.Rust 异步编程,基于官方的async book和tokio tutorial翻译,并且添加了新的内容、示例,还对一些内容...
CLI(Command Line Interface,命令行界面)是一种允许用户通过文本命令与计算机程序或操作系统进行交互的接口。与图形用户界面(GUI,Graphical User Interface)相比,CLI 不提供图形元素,如按钮或图标,而是依赖于文本输入。用户通过键盘输入特定的命令行指令,命令行界面解释这些指令并执行相应的操作。 一款优秀的 CLI 工具应该...
enginesound - A GUI and command line application used to procedurally generate semi-realistic engine sounds. Featuring in-depth configuration, variable sample rate and a frequency analysis window. Festival - A local music player/server/client figsoda/mmtc [mmtc] - Minimal mpd terminal client that...
if line.to_lowercase().contains(&query) { results.push(line); } }results }fn run(config: Config) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { //Box<dyn Error> 返回一个能够实现Error特性的类型 dyn: dynamic let contents = fs::read_to_string(config.filename)?;//错误传递 ...
Created binary (application) `my-project` package $ ls my-project Cargo.toml src $ ls my-project/src [/shell] Rust automatically usessrc/main.rsas the binary crate root directory, whereassrc/lib.rsreferences a package with a library crate. The above example from Rust’s official ...
enginesound— A GUI and command line application used to procedurally generate semi-realistic engine sounds. Featuring in-depth configuration, variable sample rate and a frequency analysis window. figsoda/mmtc [mmtc]— Minimal mpd terminal client that aims to be simple yet highly configurable Gl...
rust cli boilerplate boilerplate-template rust-language rust-lang cli-app cli-command rustlang boilerplate-application Updated Apr 18, 2021 Rust iolivia / rust-sokoban Star 161 Code Issues Pull requests Rust Sokoban book and code samples rust rust-language rust-lang sokoban sokoban-game ...
词汇表是从 fork而来,原因是在部分词汇的翻译上,存在不同的意见,欢迎大家开issue讨论或者提交pr Rust 语言术语中英文对照表 English 英文Chinese 中文Note 备注 A Abstract Syntax Tree 抽象语法树 ABI 应用程序二进制接口 Application Binary ...
CLI(Command Line Interface,命令行界面)是一种允许用户通过文本命令与计算机程序或操作系统进行交互的接口。与图形用户界面(GUI,Graphical User Interface)相比,CLI 不提供图形元素,如按钮或图标,而是依赖于文本输入。用户通过键盘输入特定的命令行指令,命令行界面解释这些指令并执行相应的操作。 一款优秀的 CLI 工具应该...