使用chrono库,我们可以很容易地获取当前的UTC时间或本地时间。以下是一个获取当前UTC时间的示例: rust use chrono::Utc; use chrono::DateTime; fn get_current_utc_time() -> DateTime<Utc> { Utc::now() } 如果你需要获取本地时间,可以使用Local代替Utc: rust use chrono::Local; use chron...
2.1 取utc时间 时间库使用chrono = "0.4",获取秒数等时间。 letfive_seconds= Duration::new(5,0);letfive_seconds_and_five_nanos= five_seconds + Duration::new(0,10);assert_eq!(five_seconds_and_five_nanos.as_secs(),5);assert_eq!(five_seconds_and_five_nanos.subsec_nanos(),10);let...
features = ["mysql", "runtime-tokio", "chrono"] } ···关于架构方面
chrono::NaiveDate; use error::MyCustomError; use std::collections::HashMap; fn main() { // skipped, will get back later } fn get_current_date() -> Result<String, MyCustomError> { let url = "https://postman-echo.com/time/object"; - let res = reqwest::blocking::get(...
usechrono::{DateTime, Local}; fnmain(){ println!("Hello, world!"); letlocal: DateTime<Local>=Local::now(); println!("Today is {}", local.format("%A")); } In this program, we get the current (local) date and time, format it as a day of the week, and then print a result...
[date, time] arthurhenrique/rusti-cal [rusti-cal] - A cal(1) clone lightning-fast ~ more than 9999 years ~ Written in Rust. chronotope/chrono - Date and time library Mnwa/ms [ms-converter] - it's a library for converting human-like times to milliseconds sorairolake/nt-time [nt-ti...
{ pub id: i64, pub username: String, pub password_hash: String, pub email: Option<String>, pub create_time: Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>, } // 用于创建新用户的结构体,不包含 id 和 create_time 字段 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Insertable, Clone)] #[diesel(table_name = blog_...
fnmain(){lett=chrono::Utc::now().date().succ().to_string();println!("{}",t);} 2021-07-18UTC 185. Execute function in 30 seconds Schedule the execution of f(42) in 30 seconds. 30秒内执行功能 代码语言:javascript 复制 import"time"timer:=time.AfterFunc(30*time.Second,func(){f(42...
name = "chrono" version = "0.4.6" source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index" checksum = "45912881121cb26fad7c38c17ba7daa18764771836b34fab7d3fbd93ed633878" dependencies = [ "num-integer", "num-traits", "time", ] [[package]] name = "cloudabi" ...