Rustbindings forPython, including tools for creating native Python extension modules. Running and interacting with Python code from a Rust binary is also supported. User Guide:stable|main API Documentation:stable|main Usage Requires Rust 1.63 or greater. ...
先rust->c API 再python<-c API 有一个专门的库:pyo3 Rust bindings for Python, including tool...
| - ... and the borrow might be used here, when that temporary is dropped and runs the `Drop` code for type `PyRef` 像往常一样,借用检查器是正确的:我们正在进行内存犯罪。 更简单的修复方法是直接克隆,并编译close_polygons.push(poly.clone())。 实际上,这个克隆的成本非常低,因为我们只incrP...
usecpython::{PyResult,Python,py_module_initializer,py_fn};// add bindings to the generated python module// N.B: names: "rust2py" must be the name of the `.so` or `.pyd` filepy_module_initializer!(rust2py, |py, m|{m.add(py,"__doc__","This module is implemented in Rust."...
众所周知的是python的几个机器学习库接口是最方便的,然而rust也同样方便,因为tch是rust基于pytorch的接口:GitHub - LaurentMazare/tch-rs: Rust bindings for the C++ api of PyTorch.。 基于pytorch的神经网络编程也可以非常方便。基于variational autoencoder的VAMB binning 软件可以通过rust实现,笔者非常有兴趣用rust...
1. python代码 首先给出python代码,这是一个求积分的公式: import time def integrate_f(a, b, N): s = 0 dx = (b - a) / N for i in range(N): s += 2.71828182846 ** (-((a + i * dx) ** 2)) return s * dx s = time.time() ...
build-cffi Build the CFFI Python bindings build-cmult Build the shared library for the sample C code build-cppmult Build the shared library for the sample C++ code build-cython Build the cython extension module build-pybind11 Build the pybind11 wrapper library ...
dgrunwald/rust-cpython— Python bindings PyO3/PyO3— Rust bindings for the Python interpreter R rustr/rustr— use Rust from R, and use R in Rust Ruby d-unseductable/ruru— native Ruby extensions written in Rust danielpclark/rutie— native Ruby extensions written in Rust and vic...
阅读1.6k更新于1 月 17 日 非马梦衢 1.3k声望242粉丝 Life is short, I use python. 引用和评论 注册登录 获取验证码 新手机号将自动注册 登录 微信登录免密码登录密码登录 继续即代表同意《服务协议》和《隐私政策》