RecursiveMemoryLayout:表示递归的内存布局。 MemoryLayoutNode:表示内存布局的节点。 RunFlycheckParams:表示运行静态检查的请求参数。 MatchingBraceParams:表示获取匹配括号的请求参数。 JoinLinesParams:表示合并行的请求参数。 RunnablesParams:表示获取可运行项的请求参数。 Runnable:表示可运行项。 CargoRunnable:表示Cargo...
PlaceProjection:这是一个结构体,用于表示一个L-value的Projection,它包括了一个PlaceBase和一个Vec<ProjectionElem>。Vec<ProjectionElem>表示从PlaceBase开始的一系列操作。 总而言之,as_place.rs文件中的代码用于协助将Rust表达式解析为Mir的L-value(Place),并提供了一些辅助结构和枚举来表示L-value的不同变体和操作。
常量参数或类型参数(TypeOrConstParam)、实现(Impl)、特质引用(TraitRef)和闭包(Closure):用于定义常量参数或类型参数、实现、特质引用和闭包的类型。 可调用类型(Callable)和布局(Layout):用于定义可调用类型和布局的类型。 调整(Adjustment)和重载的Deref(OverloadedDeref):用于定义调整和重载的Deref的类型。 特质(Trai...
random-- randomize files; (useful especially for networked file-systems, or where there is no clear storage layout;) --fadviseand--no-fadvise-- tell the OS that the files are read sequentially, and that their contents shouldn't be cached in the OS buffers; (enabled by default;) ...
push_base_scope、push_tool_scope等方法用于控制作用域的推入和弹出,以便在代码生成过程中处理嵌套的作用域。 finalize_functions方法用于最终生成LLVM函数的机器码,并执行一些优化操作。 CodegenCx结构体还包含了一些和函数、变量等相关的数据结构,如FunctionCx、Static等,用于处理函数和全局变量的代码生成和优化。
In the first case, the search directories are determined by the linker and may include some system directories, specific to a distribution directory layout, or controlled by some default linker config, or something else outside of rustc's purview. ...
Beginning with Rust 1.50, this is added to the type definition so it can be used in layout optimizations, too. It follows that Option<File> now will have the same size as File. For Cargo, a [rustc-workspace-wrapper] option has been added, to set a wrapper to execute instead of rust...
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- Fixed UI layout on mobile version. 04/10/2020 - Added setting to autokick players with high ping.- Added setting to autokick players using family shared accounts or check for their bans.- Added the number of days since last player's ban in the VAC Bans column.- Rustadmin Online can...
Advanced guide to creating JetBrains Platform plugins: VFS, PSI, Kotlin UI DSL, Dialog, Tool window, List, Swing UI and layout managers, ConsoleView, LineMarker. This is a companion of the Introduction to creating IntelliJ IDEA plugins tutorial. ...