这行代码,实际上会生成很多检查: let (_tmp0, overflowed) = CheckedMultiply(4, 6); assert!(!overflowed, "attempt to multiply with overflow"); let (_tmp1, overflowed) = CheckedAdd(_tmp0, 2); assert!(!overflowed, "attempt to add with overflow"); let x = _temp1; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5...
polynomial::new() --> Start polynomial::new() :: loop :: --> In thread 'main' panicked at /usr/src/debug/rust/rustc-1.78.0-src/library/core/src/num/mod.rs:324:5: attempt to multiply with overflow 我不知道为什么会这样。我想设置 RUST_BACKTRACE = 1但...
let (_tmp1, overflowed) = CheckedAdd(_tmp0, 2);assert!(!overflowed, "attempt to add with overflow"); let x = _temp1; 这就增加了很多控制流。常量传播可以先将其简化为: let _tmp0 = 24;assert!(!false, "attempt to multiply with overflow"); let _tmp1 = 26;assert!(!false, "attempt...
thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to multiply with overflow', src/main.rs:91:16 stack backtrace: 0: rust_begin_unwind at /rustc/7eac88abb2e57e752f3302f02be5f3ce3d7adfb4/library/std/src/panicking.rs:483 1: core::panicking::panic_fmt at /rustc/7eac88abb2e57e752f3302f02be5f3ce...
您可以先将u64s转换为u128s *,然后再将它们相乘以避免溢出:
一般我们写代码,使用的主要是数据类型、控制结构和函数。我们就从这三部分开始。 数据类型 与Go一样,Rust的定义语句数据也是放在变量名后面的,不过还要加上一个冒号。 布尔类型 布尔类型是bool: let b0 : bool = true; 1 因为Rust是有类型推断的功能,所以很多时候可以不用指定类型。
您可以先将u64s转换为u128s *,然后再将它们相乘以避免溢出:
Is it possible to show the two operands at runtime when this panic occurs ? thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to multiply with overflow', src/main.rs:7 So maybe we can see 2*122 in the panic message? example code code with backtrace out...
fn call(_1: usize) -> usize { let mut _0: usize; let mut _2: usize; let mut _3: (usize, bool); bb0: { StorageLive(_2); _2 = _1; StorageLive(_3); // ADDED _3 = CheckedMul(move _2, const 2usize); assert(!move (_3.1: bool), "attempt to multiply with overflow"...