The LIVE map requires the Rustadmin plugin on your server. The plugin also allows Rustadmin Online to have more advanced features. Players management Rustadmin Online shows your ONLINE players and saves all the players who have connected at least once to your server in the OFFLINE players list...
Admin Radar (AR)is aRUST plugin( for admins tohelp identify cheaters( by providing extra details and information on-screen for other players and en...
Rust admin panel (RustMonitor) See our 👉🏼 Live Instance Current features Multiple servers login record. Simple full control (Chat, Players and Console) on single screen Plugin enable/disable/reload and update checker Permissions groups and export/import to apply on multiple servers All configur...
ptal/oak - A typed PEG parser generator (compiler plugin) rust-bakery/nom - parser combinator library s-panferov/queryst - A query string parsing library inspired by gs softdevteam/grmtools - A LR parser with better error correction tree-sitter/tree-sitter - A parser generator tool and an...
git-mob-tool:CLI应用程序,可以帮助用户自动添加共同作者… nix-your-shell:一个nix和nix-shell包装器,适用于除了bash之外的壳。 jobcan-cli:操作Jobcan的命令行工具。 邮件 发送、接收、格式化和解析邮件。 lettre:电子邮件客户端 email_address:提供一个符合RFC的EmailAddress新类型的实现 imap:Rust的IMAP客户端 ...
This plugin provides both chat and console commands using the same syntax. When using a command in chat, prefix it with a forward slash: `/`. Console Commands tpve.def- Wipe and create default configuration/data tpve.sched [enable|disable]- Enable/disable the schedule ...
ptal/oak - A typed PEG parser generator (compiler plugin) rust-bakery/nom - parser combinator library s-panferov/queryst - A query string parsing library inspired by gs softdevteam/grmtools - A LR parser with better error correction tree-sitter/tree-sitter - A parser generator tool and an...
Full uMod / Oxide Control (Config editor, plugin editor, plugin config editor). Plugin Updater. Joining List - Get and manage a list of player joining your server. Queued List - Get and manage players in queue to join your server. Player Manager - Manage online and offline players The lis...
Install the plugin from the Stream Deck store by clicking the 'More actions' button on the bottom-right corner of the Stream Deck software, then search for 'MIDI'. Once installed, the plugin will appear in your actions list: Then add a "Note On/Off" function to your profile and configur...