echo "text" Prints text to the server console env.time Sets the time to this value in hours Sends an airdrop from a random direction find <command or "."> Searches for a command, using "." will list all commands. say "Message" Broadcasts a message to all players server....
List of useful commands for Rust Updated over 3 months ago NOTE
inv.giveall "item" "amount" 【Gives all players 'Item'. Full Item name required. List of Items.(给所有人东西,“玩家”“物品”“数量”,比如节日的时候,可以作为惊喜,没人给一把枪什么的)】 dmg.godmode true/false 【Gives all logged in admins godmode.(开启/关闭所有人创造模式)】 crafting.c...
/kickall 【(Kicks all users, except for the command executor, out of the server踢出所有玩家,除了输入这条指令者)】/kill【(Kills the specified player,杀死一个指定玩家)】/kit [kit name] 【(Gives the user the specified kit if the user has the correct authority level,给一个用户指定套装,当...
CommandDescription banid [steamID64] [reason] Punish a player by banning them from the server. banlistex Returns a complete list of banned users with their reasons. kick [steamID64] [reason] Forcibly remove a player from the server. kickall Removes all players from the server. moderatorid [...
/addfriend playername 【adds a player to your friends list(添加一个玩家为好友)】 /unfriend playername 【removes a friend(移除一个好友)】 /about 【shows server mod version(显示服务器版本)】 管理员命令 /announce message here 【ADMIN ONLY - announces a message to the server(发送服务器公告)...
The clearspraysinradius command can be issued from the in-game console only and does NOT work with the server console and 3rd party RCON platforms. When issuing the command in the unsupported consoles, no error message is displayed. The admin using the command needs to physically be within ...
Pasting your clipboard elsewhere will make it easier to extract the path from what you copied from console You can also take a look atCorrosionhour's prefab list Most useful command list You can also check outCorrosionhour's command list ...
Commands memory with up arrow (rewrite last command sended) on console RustMon Blacklist (a blacklist of players shared between rustmon clients) Screenshots: Login Dashboard Server configurations Player details and search Player tools Plugin manager Permissions manager Run and build Install dependencies...
) : GitCommand() { override fun execute() = executeCommand(listOf("add") + files)}class Log( private val decorate: Boolean, private val patch: Boolean) : GitCommand() { override fun execute() { val args = mutableListOf("log") if (decorate) { args.add("--decorate") } if (...