#[actix_web::main] async fn main -> std::io::Result<> { HttpServer::new(|| { App::new .service( web::scope("/") .guard(guard::Host("www.example.com")) .route("", web::to(|| async { HttpResponse::Ok.body("www") })), ) .service( web::scope("/") .guard(guard::...
use actix_web::{web, App, HttpServer, Responder}; use actix_web::web::Bytes; use futures::Stream; use std::pin::Pin; use std::time::Duration; use tokio::time::interval; type SseStream = Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, actix_web::Error>>>; 实现SSE 处理函数 接下来,我们...
[dependencies]sea-orm= { version ="1.0.0-rc.5", features = ["sqlx-postgres","runtime-tokio-native-tls","macros"] }tokio= { version ="1.35.1", features = ["full"] }chrono="0.4.33"actix-web="4.4.0"serde= { version ="1.0", features = ["derive"] }utoipa= { version ="4"...
[actix_web::main]async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {// 初始化应用状态let app_state = web::Data::new(AppState {users: vec![User {name: "Alice".to_string(),email: "alice@example.com".to_string(),},User {name: "Bob".to_string(),email: "bob@example.com".to_string(...
4. Actix-web:构建高性能 Web 应用的利器 Web 开发是 Rust 重要的应用领域之一,而 Actix-web 则是 Rust 生态系统中性能卓越的 Web 应用框架。它基于 Actix 框架,利用异步编程模型和强大的路由功能,能够轻松构建高性能、可扩展的 Web 应用和 API。 Actix-web 采用灵活的中间件机制,可以方便地扩展功能,并提供对...
this is what I used to run the AWC Example Cargo.toml [dependencies] openssl = "0.10.38" actix-web = "4.0.0-beta.12" awc = { version = "3.0.0-beta.11", features = [ "openssl" ] } main.rs use awc::Client; #[actix_web::main] async fn main() { let client = Client:...
用actix-web提供http层次的服务 用pulldown-cmark实现markdown到html的转换 用handlebars实现最终html的输出(包括将第2步中生成的html片段嵌入到整个html文件中、生成目录浏览视图 文件名映射为文章标题 目录名映射为章节标题 数学公式以latex代码方式嵌入,参考了这个页面: The Best Way to Support LaTeX Math in Mark...
Actix Web Rocket Warp Tide Poem 1. Axum Axum[1] 是 Rust 生态系统中具有特殊地位的 Web 应用程序框架(从下载量就可见端倪)。它是 Tokio 项目[2]的一部分,Tokio 是使用 Rust 编写「异步网络应用程序的运行时」。Axum 不仅使用 Tokio 作为其异步运行时,还与 Tokio 生态系统的其他库集成,利用 Hyper[3] 作...
Another possible option for cases where your decryption process isn't that time consuming to be considered blocking, or you just want to see how you can implement a Stream for actix, here's an example: usestd::pin::Pin;usestd::task::{Context, Poll};useactix_w...