Башка - it's a head.
recipe book. Some of the recipes sound delicious. Read the recipe for pizza. Therefore, what is the best recipe to keep fit and healthy? The recipe for that cake is my grandma's secret I've left out the nuts in this recipe because Delia's allergic to them....
Literal:That's, grandma, the Yuri's Day. Временамиидуракумноговорит.Fools may sometimes speak to the purpose. Вре́мя -- лу́чшийдо́кторTime heals all wounds. Literal:Time is the best healer. ...
My grandma has got wrinkles. Yeah, there’s going to be innovations and new wrinkles and improvements all the time and we’ll continue to improve our site on an ongoing basis as we go forward. When we really love somebody getting older together is natural and even wrinkles are beautiful. ...
Literal: That one is happy, whose Grandma tells fortunes. Хотетьневредно. Wishing has no effect. Хотьгол, даправ. Better go to bed supperless than rise in debt. Literal: Naked, but right Хотьгоршко́м назови́, то́льк...
The term бабки has two meanings in Russian—it can mean grandmas, from the word бабкa (grandma), but it’s also a slang term to describe money. There area few theoriesabout the origin of this term, from a dice game involving horse joints to a 100-ruble bill bearing the ...
Word frequency lists can be a great resource for Russian language learners. But there’s a caveat: most word frequency lists are taken from written texts, not spoken language. As a result, commonly-spoken Russian words like привет (hi) and здравствуйте (hello) might...
I’m going to visit my grandma (Dat). Acc в to (a closed space) Бабушкаидётвмагазин. Grandma is going to the store (Acc). на to (an event) Бабушка, тыидёшьнавыставку? Grandma, are you going to the exhibition (Acc)? Ins...
He took a bottle, filled it from the tap, and took it to Grandma [telling her it was from Crimea]. She cried. For her, that bottle was almost sacred. She kept it, and never drank a drop.” In the 1960s, the Crimean Tatars began independently to collect information about the ...
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