We are proud to announce that free learning materials, created by Russificate team, are recommended by the teachers of many universities and Russian schools to Russian learners of various countries of the world. Here are some of them:
We are proud to announce that free learning materials, created by Russificate team, are recommended by the teachers of many universities and Russian schools to Russian learners of various countries of the world. Here are some of them:
Having analysed the language requirements of the first 100 QS universities, it would be correct to say that the lowest IELTS score is from 6.0 to 6.5. IELTS is a high-stakes English test for study, migration and work, where the scoring system ranges from 1 to 9, the latter being the ...
This year marks 10 years since the start of the Project 5top100. The key goal of the project was the entry of five Russian universities into the top 100 global university rankings; respectively, the rankings have firmly entered the Russian academic and p
The lessons use materials developed by leading universities in Russia, designed to prepare for the TORFL exams, as well as a special learning platform, created by the publishing house "Zlatoust", the leading publishing house in the field of Russian as a foreign language. You can choose between...
Most Russian schools teach at least one foreign language, usually English, German, or French. Core academic subjects include math, Russian language and literature, science, geography, and history. Around Campus Most universities have their own campuses that include facilities similar to schools in the...
Meanwhile, it is hoped that this will stimulate an ongoing discussion on effective strategies that can enhance the universities’ and teachers’ success in the transformation to online teaching. Within the current debate on the cost and quality of higher education, this research can help to improve...
the significance that producing scholarship in English has for maintaining and/or advancing an academic career in Russia.;The study is contextualized in the sector of Russian academe that is most strongly affected by the current global agenda of Russian political leadership: research universities. The...
I am a nativeRussian, with a Masters Degree from one of the best universities in Kiev, Ukraine. I have a graduate linguistics degree and have taught bothRussianand English extensively on different levels. I also have experience in...
I am a nativeRussian, with a Masters Degree from one of the best universities in Kiev, Ukraine. I have a graduate linguistics degree and have taught bothRussianand English extensively on different levels. I also have experience in...