This article deals with the socialist parties in Revolutionary Russia up to the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly in January 1918. It focuses on the Mensheviks, its radical left wing the Menshevik Internationalists, the Social〥emocrat Internationalists, and the neo﹑opulist Left Socialist ...
2.(Historical Terms) Also called (reckoned by the Julian calendar):October Revolutionthe seizure of power by the Bolsheviks under Lenin in November 1917, transforming the uprising into a socialist revolution. This was followed by a period of civil war against counter-revolutionary armies (1918–22...
J. Llewellynet al, “Russian Revolution timeline 1918-1919” atAlpha History,, 2014, accessed [date of last access].
February Revolution TheFebruary Revolution(known as such because of Russia’s use of the Julian calendar until February 1918) began on March 8, 1917 (February 23 on the Julian calendar). Demonstrators clamoring for bread took to the streets of Petrograd. Supported by huge crowds of striking indu...
2.(Historical Terms) Also called (reckoned by the Julian calendar):October Revolutionthe seizure of power by the Bolsheviks under Lenin in November 1917, transforming the uprising into a socialist revolution. This was followed by a period of civil war against counter-revolutionary armies (1918–22...
The following pages contain informative but concise summaries of key topics relating to the Russian Revolution. These topic pages have been written by Alpha History authors. If you would like to contribute or suggest a topic for inclusion on this site, pleasecontact us. ...
译者前言 |《俄国革命 The Russian Revolution》 Sheila Fitzpatrick 作品 瞄一瞄中了发表于译文中继站 假如德国赢得了一战:1936年俄罗斯二月革命 xwx1发表于架空世界若... 【推荐】《俄国革命史》:十月革命的成功既需要英雄的人民,也需要人民的英雄 三叔侃侃发表于三叔侃侃 【无政府主义常见问答】H.6为什么俄国革命...
我自己的观点与相当少的作家(包括西方作家和苏联作家)观点基本相同,苏俄内战其实始于十月革命(October revolution),以下两章我所描述的事件会表明一件事:苏维埃1917-1918年冬季的胜利夺权和与之相伴而来的是激烈的内部斗争已经是“内战“的一部分了。 The Russian Civil War,then,began in the autumn of 1917.To be...
2.(Historical Terms) Also called (reckoned by the Julian calendar):October Revolutionthe seizure of power by the Bolsheviks under Lenin in November 1917, transforming the uprising into a socialist revolution. This was followed by a period of civil war against counter-revolutionary armies (1918–22...
1.(Historical Terms) the tsarist empire in Asia and E Europe, overthrown by the Russian Revolution of 1917 2.(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the tsarist empire in Asia and E Europe, overthrown by the Russian Revolution of 1917 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Editi...