Debord’s adage “Love is possible only on the eve of a revolution” could well have been endorsed by Shpalikov. Debord was the founder of Situationism. An amazing poet, screenwriter, and director, Shpalikov was the Soviet Guy Debord. Like Debord, Shpalikov had an explicitly spatial mi...
In 1849, however, the circle was denounced to Ivan Liprandi, a government official at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and accused of reading and circulating banned works that criticized the government. Fearing a revolution, the government ofTsar Nicholas Ideemed these critics to be very dangerou...
Generally, however, the Veps experienced what everyone else did: villages ruled by landlords, followed by revolution, the Stalinist crackdowns, dekulakization, and an ethnicity forgotten for several decades. From the late 1930s, Veps were identified as ethnic Russians in their internal passports....
Mar 9, 2022 at 10:41 am Thanks Wolf. Best on the net. Rick Chadderton Mar 9, 2022 at 2:42 pm Thanks from me too WR cas127 Mar 9, 2022 at 10:07 am drg1234 Mar 9, 2022 at 2:57 pm Would second this. It’s the Houston Chronicle...