Russian Lawmakers Toughen Punishment for Soldiers More MOSCOW (AP) — Russia's Kremlin-controlled lower house of parliament on Tuesday approved legislation that toughens punishment for soldiers breaching their duties, in an apparent effort to boost discipline in the ranks amid the fighting in Ukraine...
Communist Jewish crimes must also be prosecuted and punished as Nazi crimes have been. Truth and real justice (punishment for all crimes) must prevail. The issue of financial and material compensations for communist crimes must also be resolved as Germany paid compensations for Nazi German crimes...
Another victim was forced to stand naked and shout "glory to Russia" while being beaten and described beatings as a "punishment for speaking Ukrainian" and "not remembering the lyrics of the anthem of the Russian Federation." The commission wrote that following initial detention in Ukrai...
: the protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, property, public order and public security, the environment, and the constitutional system of the Russian Federation against criminal encroachment, the maintenance of peace and security of mankind, and also the prevention of crimes. ...
Anna Mykytenko, Head of the Global Rights Compliance (GRC) international legal non-profit organisation, added that survivors of violence claim that the occupiers called such actions "punishment." "In several villages in the south we heard witnesses and survivors say that the Russian servicemen came...
“He also claimed a fear of religious persecution based on his Tartar ethnicity. The officer rejected both grounds, finding that the punishment for refusing to comply with a military summons does not amount to cruel or unusual treatment or punishment and that there was little objective evidence ad...
The punishment for the crime is ten years in prison. The Russian Investigative Committee accused the Mintses of embezzling 34 billion rubles from Otkritie Bank when it bought bonds from O1 Group. According to investigators, in 2017, Otkritie’s chair, Yevgeny Dankevich, agreed with the ...
punishment shall be subject to reduction within the limits provided for by the new criminal law. Article 11. The Operation of Criminal Law in Respect of Persons Who Have Committed Crimes in the Territory of the Russian Federation 1. Any person who has committed a crime in the territory of th...
The stipulated punishment for violating Russian Federal Criminal Code Article 205.2.2 (“Public calls to carry out terrorist activities; public justification of terrorism or promotion of terrorism, committed using mass media or electronic or telecommunication networks”) is five to seven years in ...
The author analyzes the crimes for which the perpetrators are arbitrarily subjected to massacre in the village. The role of the peasant community in the punishment implementation of criminals was found out. The causes of the stability of this tradition in rural society were set./ppLynching played...