The fading appeal of the official Orthodox Church, the spiritually unsatisfying atheism and positivism of the intelligentsia, the destabilizing impact of the rapid industrialization of the 1890s, political upheaval, cultural disintegration, and the association of rationalism and materialism with the West,...
Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church 1723 East Fairmount Avenue Baltimore MD 21231 Directions >>> Saints Peter & Paul Chapel Holy Trinity Orthodox Cemetery 6480 Elibank Drive Elkridge, MD 21075 Directions >>> Subscribe * indicates required Email Address * First Name* Last Name* Mobile Number ...
The paper is an attempt to make a brief overview of the Russian Orthodox Church’s state in the Post-Soviet Russia. Author notes, that the Church’s role in building civil society in Russia is potentially very considerable, since the Orthodox community’s ability to self-organize is rare for...
The 1996 elections for the Russian presidency were not, in the end, a final or comprehensive test of the durability of Russian democracy. That the elections took place at all was important, of course, but they ended in continuity rather than change. The incumbent was returned to office, and...
Russian wedding at the George Peabody Library in Baltimore, MD Russian traditional dance, song and music Ensemble Barynya (Sergei Tsganok, Mikhail Smirnov, Konstantin Tulinov, Vladimir Nikitin, and Dinara Subaeva) provided Russian folk dance and music presentation during mixed Russian-American wedding...
Or do we put our faith in the lives of the Saints, the life of the Church, in the Faith once delivered to us from God Himself, the Faith of the Orthodox, the Faith that established the Universe? It is not clear the precise ways the Christian should proceed in dealing ...