Sky News analysis earlier this month showed an increase in Ukrainian drone strikes against Russian oil depots and other facilities linked to oil production over the past three months. Russian oil under attack as Ukraine targets fuel used by Vladimir Puti...
According to Russian news outlet RBC, the consul general in the city, Stanislav Oranskiy, said the explosion happened inside the consulate. Russia's Tass news agency reports Oranskiy added the explosion has all the hallmarks of a "terrorist attack". The Foreign Ministry in Russia...
proximity to the combat zone, the prosperity of the region and the availability of decent jobs, the density of social ties, the circulation of news transmitted by friends on the front lines, etc. In
By Reuters | Sept. 1, 2024, at 10:56 p.m. Save More Russian 'Spy Whale' Hvaldimir Found Dead Near Norway More Reuters FILE PHOTO: A white beluga whale wearing a harness is seen off the coast of northern Norway, April 29, 2019. Jorgen Ree Wiig/Sea Surveillance Service/Handout/NTB...
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That anti-nationalist campaign was the same one that crushed the Jadidist and Alash movements referenced by Mirziyoyeva. Central Asian leaders periodically try to soothe the nerves of Russians eager to winkle out evidence of xenophobia in the region. ...
, Knyazna Victoria, Knyazna Anastasia, Sergey Obraztsov, Nikolay Karamzin, Andrey Rublev, Leonid Krasin, Gleb Krzhizhanovsky, Mikhail Bulgakov, Ilya Repin, Vasily Surikov, Sergey Yesenin, Alexander Grin, Valery Bryusov, Ivan Krylov, Russ, also the pleasure boats Maxim Gorky, Soyuz, Mir....
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I am not bothered by it. I don’t think it is a hindrance, and I think it is premature to draw any conclusions on whether Donald Trump’s team knows what they are doing or not. I tend to believe that they know what they are doing.NewsX: 16:13OK. Ambassador Kapur, it has now ...
2008 Jan. 24: Update: Soyuz/ACTS project: news/historical information; Svobodny/Vostochny: news/historical information; 2008 Jan. 5: Update: Soyuz/ACTS project: artist renderings of a prospective design of the Russian lunar lander; 2008 Jan. 3: New page: Russian space program: A decade revie...