Reuters news agency says it was able to confirm the location from a nearby building's facades, signages and road layout that matched satellite imagery and street view imagery. The date was verified by a time stamp on the footage. Russia's TASS state news agency...
Since 1904 TASS has been Russia’s leading news agency. For more than 113 years, TASS has ceaselessly strived to deliver the latest and most accurate news from around the world
“Sometimes I don’t understand myself. I just sit all day on the Internet, on YouTube, and read news, news, news of what’s going on in Ukraine, and that’s it.” He doesn’t know the status of his own asylum applications. Without a foreign passport, how could he leave ...
Sir Keir added: "It was always going to take time to turn around 14 years of economic failure under the last government. That was always going to take time. "The figures out today are a step in the right direction, but there's much, much more we've...
"Due to the current situation, the Bank of Russia has decided not to open a stock market section and a derivatives market section on the Moscow Exchange today," the Central Bank of Russia said in a statement translated by NBC News.
Russian-owned RT news channel hit with multiple investigations in wake of Sergei Skripal poisoningAdam Bienkov
In its latest report, the U.K. Defense Ministry said Sunday that the impact of heavy Russian military casualties in Ukraine varies dramatically across Russia. The British military’s intelligence update said Moscow and St. Petersburg remained “relatively unscathed,” particularly among members of...
Sky News (UK) Kiss TV (Spain) CNN International (USA) Russia Today (Russian Federation) E-Music Television (USA) Hits Club (France) E-Movies (Singapore) Game Time (USA) 80's Rock (Italy) Movies 4 Men (UK) Moovee (UK) BRN TV (Congo) Big Bang Theory Show (USA) LIST CHAT My cha...
That's all for now - but we'll be back soon with the latest from Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Until then, here's a brief recap of the main developments we reported today: Ukraine's military said its overnight attacks were the largest it has carried out on Rus...
Live news updates from April 5: More EU states expel Russian diplomats, Musk joins Twitter board of directors Today’s top headlines: Elon Musk joins Twitter board of directors US set to announce new round of sanctions against Russia Italy, Denmark and Sweden expel Russian diplomats over security...