Even though this phrase was not coined until the 1700s, this period can be effectively considered the foundation of the Russian Empire. Ivan III was a cunning leader who made sure that other, weaker kings in the area recognized his authority and strengthened the state from within. By the lat...
The problem seems to be that in modern times a brother of the Tsar was always a Velikii Knyaz, великийкнязь, and this was translated "Grand Duke" by analogy to the tradition of giving the title Duke to the brothers of the Kings of England and France. Merely calling them...
Sergei Eisenstein was one of the earliest kings of this realm. January 01, 1999 East Meets West on the Silver Screen A fascinating exploration of the links between Hollywood and the Russian film industry. November 01, 2006 Spetsluzhb Goes to the Movies The FSB (heir to the KGB) ...
And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, as did David his father. And he took away the sodomites out of the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made. (1 Kings 15:11-12) King Asa destroying the idols The s...
This king of Judah gives a scriptural precedent for the physical destruction of idols (2 Kings 18-20). King Hezekiah is glorified because, in order to restore true worship of God in his kingdom, he“removed the high places and broke the sacred pillars, cut down the wooden image and broke...
Shock identities revealed, Cecil B de Mille is identified in one of two snipers nests on the Grassy Knoll, the Martin Luther Kings man and wife in another, William F Buckley is identified as the “Umbrella Man.” Grassy Knoll shooters identified as CIA asset Charles Frederick Rogers, who ...
Similar to how you started defining it, I’d say that one’s freedom needs to end where another’s begins. And ideally it should be more or less equal across society, rather than omnipotent kings and slave subjects. And you give a big bunch of examples, good ones. ...
A very different style prevails in the episodes dealing with the coming of theVarangiansand the history of the Varangian rulers in pre-Christian Rus. Told in the form of short, pointed independent anecdotes, often culminating in dramatic dialogues, these episodes reflect an oral epic tradition, a...
Tsar, title associated primarily with rulers of Russia. The term tsar, a form of the ancient Roman imperial title caesar, generated a series of derivatives in Russian: tsaritsa, a tsar’s wife, or tsarina; tsarevich, his son; tsarevna, his daughter; and
“tsars” in popular usage until the imperial regime was overthrown by theRussian Revolutionof 1917. The last Russian tsar,Nicholas II, was executed by the Soviet government in 1918. The early Bulgarian emperors (10th to 14th century) and the 20th-century kings ofBulgaria(from 1908 to 1946) ...