I'm so fucked! 25. MacGruber crumples to the ground, crying -- it's a pitiful sight. Piper actually feels kind of sorry for him. PIPER Come on, MacGruber. It's not so bad. MACGRUBER It's not? The man who killed my wife is in control of a nuclear warhead and I can't do ...
Grundel: Kid now . . . but better at night. Masyanya: And get up at eight in the morning. Grundel: And go to bed at eighteen in the evening. Masyanya: And learn Japanese. Grundel: Well, kid now, go crazy.Arigato gozaimasu, sou desu ka. . . ...
“Just as the sun shines and suddenly goes out, so everything became superfluous in an instant when she was gone. I just live and wait for the moment when I will meet her again. I loved her so much,” the honest-to-goodness chukhar says, almost crying. However, he is still fairly ...