Plastic bottle thrown at Russian consulate exploded, says French Interior Ministry More details now on the reported explosion near the Russian consulate in Marseille, southern France. The French Interior Ministry has said plastic bottles were thrown at a wall of the consulate, with o...
Yet Pushkareva is worried that being barred from the consulate will later prevent her from getting her children’s Russian passports up to date. The thought of them not being able to visit relatives is “very painful,” but travel seems impossible in the near term. “There are not that...
Yet Pushkareva is worried that being barred from the consulate will later prevent her from getting her children's Russian passports up to date. The thought of them not being able to visit relatives is "very painful," but travel seems impossible in the near term. "There are not...
In the evening Elina, Mikhail and Gosha were lucky to see and make a few photos near the Niagara Falls Click images above to see full-size high resolution photos Elina Karokhina plays Russian folk song "Kamarinskaia" on her balalaika
aObtaining a single-entry work visa by the Employee (valid for three months) at the Russian consulate in the country the employee stays in and arrival of the employee in the Russian Federation 得到一个单项记录工作签证由雇员 (有效在三个月内) 在俄国领事馆在国家雇员在俄联盟停留和雇员的到来 [...
RussianConsulatemission. Missão noconsuladorusso, certo? OpenSubtitles2018.v3 The two CIA officers were being supported byRussiansundermissionorders from Langley by way of Moscow. Os dois oficiais da CIA estavam sendo apoiados porrussossob ordens demissãode Langley retransmitidas por Moscou. ...
“Yesterday and the day before yesterday, I was a free person, but today, I’m sorry to say, they have been trying to turn me into an out-and-out convict—they have humiliated me. First they handcuffed me, then they said I could go to the toilet only in handcuffs and escorted by ...
I forwarded the whole thing to the consulate again, hoping that they would accept the documents online. But they said, “No, you’ll have to come to New York again.” I went again, resubmitted[my application], and after another two and half months I was informed that my application had...
which has a population of about 1.5 million and is Ukraine's second largest city, at least six people were killed Tuesday when the region's administrative building on Freedom Square was hit with what was believed to be a missile. The Slovenian Foreign Ministry said its consulate in K...
More details now on the reported explosion near the Russian consulate in Marseille, southern France. The French Interior Ministry has said plastic bottles were thrown at a wall of the consulate, with one exploding. Nobody has been hurt in the incident, the ministry added. ...