Russian military capabilityUkraineRussian armed forces lacklustre performance in Ukraine has surprised military analysts. Shortcomings have included breakdowns in logistics, poor equipment and morale, abysmal communications, and muddled command and control, as well as a weak showing by the Russian Aerospace...
The group has a track record ofabusing Telegram and Telegraphasdead drop resolversto retrieve information pertaining to its command-and-control (C2) infrastructure, while leveraging a "well-rounded" arsenal of malware tools to meet its strategic goals. This comprises GammaDrop, GammaLoad, GammaStee...
The large majority appeared to be planned routine exercises that likely were supposed to test Russia’s readiness and its command and control. For instance, just a few days before the start of the invasion, Russia conducted its annual nuclear exercise, which usually takes place in the fall but...
Russia-tied Turla (a.k.a. Ouroboros, Snake, Venomous Bear or Waterbug) is a cyber-espionage group that’s been around for more than a decade. It’s known for its complexcollection of malwareand interestingcommand-and-control (C2) implementations. It targets governmental, military and diplomat...
and media outlets in NATO-affiliated nations or any country supporting Ukraine or opposing Russia. To sustain the effectiveness of these volunteer-led attacks, NoName057(16) frequently updates its command-and-control infrastructure. Since February 2022, the group has persistently executed...
The threat actor used several sophisticated techniques to hide command and control traffic, such as mimicking SolarWinds’ Orion traffic and leveraging infrastructure providers to masquerade as trusted geolocated environments. While one of the distinctive network behaviors associated with SUNBURST that has ...
‘combatant,’ which belongs to the Baltic Fleet, is tied up at the mooring barge of the Russian Federation National Defense Command and Control Center on the Frunze Embankment of the Moscow River. But for the occasion of the main parade the boat was brought to the northern capital. And, ...
they are at will to announce any data — it’s impossible to check it anyway. Meanwhile, Mizintsev is not simply a general. He is chief of the National Center for RF Defense Command and Control. They assure us that data on the condition of the Armed Forces flows right to him in real...
It appears that this order was primarily related to enhancing staffing levels and nuclear command and control, rather than the deployment of additional nuclear systems. As of March 2023, none of Russia’s strategic nuclear weapons or delivery systems had conducted any unusual deployment patterns in ...
Issues of sea launched cruise missile's control Nothing changes at the White Sea Bulava fault: controversy in reasons Underwater Weapons: Problems and Capabilities Tactical Missiles Corporation Breaks Through Navy Found Alternative to Arsenal Plant Science and Navy: Historical review Steam-driven armor-...