On July 16, 1918, theRomanovs were executedby the Bolsheviks. The Russian Civil War ended in 1923 with Lenin’s Red Army claiming victory and establishing the Soviet Union. After many years of violence and political unrest, the Russian Revolution paved the way for the rise ofcommunismas an...
《俄国内战》 (The Russian CivilWar) 作者:Evan Mawdsley(伊万·莫兹利 译者:gourd(1至10章)/我(11章以后的章节) 译者声明:本书中叙述的是作者本人的立场,译者不对其负责。 Pegasus图书公司,纽约,2007年 目录第一部分——1918:决断之年1 苏维埃权力的胜利进军:布尔什维克接管俄罗斯中部,1917年10月至1918年1...
doi:10.1353/kri.2024.a937907WORLD War IGENDER-based violencePOLITICAL autonomyPUBLIC demonstrationsRUSSIAN authorsPEASANTSCIVIL warINSURGENCYThis article provides an overview of the historiography of the Russian Civil War, discussing the ongoing debates and different perspectives surrou...
海之歌 2024-12-21 16:44:36 【持续更新中】《俄国内战》(The Russian Civil War) 《俄国内战》 (The Russian CivilWar) 作者:Evan Mawdsley(伊万·莫兹利 译者:gourd(1至10章)/我(11章以后的章节) 译者声明:本书中叙述的是作者本人的立场,译者不对其负责。 Pegasus图书公司,纽约,2007年 目录 第一部分...
本人忠于中华人民共和国宪法,维护宪法权威,履行法定职责, 忠于祖国、忠于人民,恪尽职守、廉洁奉公,接受人民监督,为建设富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化强国 努力奋斗坚决反对历史虚无主义,拥护中国特色社会主义,坚持社会主义核心价值观, 尊重先驱伟人,向先烈致敬!本视频仅供娱乐,与现实中任何真实事件无关,请勿代入并...
December 31 2024 Russia Russia trained officers for attacks on Japan and South Korea Leaked military files show detailed plans for strikes on civilian infrastructure in event of war December 30 2024 News in-depthRomania ‘Dangerous precedent’: Romania split over election rerun ...
Russia is interested in creating a naval port on the Red Sea in Sudan, but civil war could postpone or disrupt these efforts. The disruption of marine transportation caused by the attacks on commercial vessels has raised oil demand and the possibility of shortages later in the year. This situa...
The Astana process, launched in 2017 with Türkiye, Russia, and Iran as guarantors, aims to resolve the Syrian civil war, which began in early 2011. The meeting of the three foreign ministers will be held on the sidelines of the Doha Forum, scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, according to...
In the first three quarters of 2024, roughly $800 billion of goods crossed the Canada-U.S. border, according to a report by TD Bank 191 Comments 17 hours ago News Mexico will impose retaliatory tariffs on U.S. goods as trade war heats up Starting just past midnight, imports from...
Joyful crowds gathered in squares in Damascus, waving the Syrian revolutionary flag in scenes that recalled the early days of the Arab Spring uprising, before a brutal crackdown and the rise of an insurgency plunged the country into a nearly 14-year civil war. ...