It states the principle of defensive sufficiency and its implications for the armed forces. It shows data on the expenditures of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries for armed forces, which is lower than that of the RF. It concludes that the strength of the armed forces ...
On 17 November 2017 Russian President V. V. Putin signed decree No. 555 “On establishing the manning of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation,” by which the size of the Russian Armed Forces was fixed at 1,902,758 personnel, including 1,013,628 [T.N. – uniformed] servicemen. T...
The vast Russian armed forces were the third element of mass up- heaval.The army did not drain away to nothing under the Provisional Government.A census of 25 October 1917 put the current strength of the field army at 6,300,000,with a further 750,000 men in rear military districts(the ...
Previously, “high treason,” as defined by Article 275 of the Russian Criminal Code, was rarely charged, but after the outbreak of the full-scale war, involvement in combat on the Ukrainian side (or an attempts to go there to fight) and donations to the Armed Forces of Ukraine were equa...
6B19 body armor designed for the Marine Corps and the watch foreign ships battle stations. During the first tests of sailors was immediately assessed the quality of jackets, their improved ergonomics, strength of armor plates (plates failed to break out of SVD rifle bullet LPS at a distance of...
With an estimated strength of about 1,000, these men run covert operations, in addition to providing a Quick Reaction Force stationed to protect nuclear power plants in Russia. Unlike GRU Spetsnaz, both Alpha and Vympel units sport maroon berets and often wear black combat uniforms, unless servi...
“But we still don’t have the strength to prevent such provocations. We haven’t even quickly upped the output of UAVs. Much depends on microchips, optics, engines for drones. But also on the work of various subcontractors, inertia of the bureaucratic apparatus, State Duma adoption of laws...
In a statement Wednesday evening, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the move by Putin "reflects the Kremlin's struggles on the battlefield, the unpopularity of the war, and Russians' unwillingness to fight in it. President Putin is not operating from a position of ...
"In general, we need patience," she said. "We have the strength to react. We are in the 21st century. We don't solve conflicts with military. However we also don't evade conflicts."