It mounts two 23 mm cannons on a small trailer which can be converted into a stationary mount for firing the guns.ZU-23-2 can be towed by a number of different vehicles. In USSR and later Russia the most frequently used towing vehicles for it were GAZ-66 4x4 trucks and GAZ-69 4x4 ...
The Russian ZSU-23-4 SPAAG Series Around 70 ZSU-23-4 “Biała” self-propelled anti-aircraft guns are to be produced for the Polish army, as a cheaper alternative to the modern Polish 35 mm PZA Loara self-propelled anti-aircraft gun. The Russian ZSU-23-4 SPAAG Series Operators Afghanist...
Bout, nicknamed the “Merchant of Death,” was serving a 25-year prison sentence in the United States on charges of conspiring to kill Americans, delivery of anti-aircraft missiles, and aiding a terrorist organization. “I think there is a concern that [he] would return to doing the same...
The strikes also eliminated an Osa-AKM anti-aircraft missile system near the settlement of Nikolayevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), a radar station for detecting and tracking aerial targets in the area of the community of Boguslavka in the Kharkov Region, five ammunition depots nea...
Most were used as is and converted to carry the TCM-20 antiaircraft gun set, but some were used as APCs and by Israeli Police. Israel later began selling them on the international arms market after giving them the Shoet II modification, which sold reasonably well. The Shoet II modification...
anti-aircraftgunsarenotequippedwithjustafewdoors,some fromtheRussiansecretthechannelandtheblackmarkettobuy Samshoulderfiredmissiles.Bycontrast,thetwosidesareso farapartthattheycanevenbedescribedasaduelbetweena skinnytwelveyearoldandworldchampionTyson.
which Russian spetsnaz is armed with, and that it shoots the blade on 5-6 meters. The only prototype is NRS-2 knife, but this knife shoots an SP-4 bullet with the mini-pistol built into the knife's grip. Also, he says that those guns were deverloped because political training dominat...
Most were Ukrainians manning anti-aircraft guns and surface-to-air missile batteries, and there were also persistent rumors of Soviet pilots flying North Vietnamese Air Force Migs as well as Spetsnaz units operating in Laos. John Stryker Meyer was with Special Operations Group ST Idaho and had...
The standard applies to all types of products in accordance with GOST 2.101 and metal semi-finished products and establishes general requirements for the choice of means of temporary anticorrosion protection and preservation of products for the period of their storage and transportation....